Chapter 14

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Zenitsu woke up with a gasp.

Alright, that was definitely the most nerve-wracking thing he had ever done in his life.

Actually, in both his lives!

The blond observed his surroundings. The others were still asleep. Nezuko was shaking the sleeping form of her brother desperately, no doubt trying to wake him up just like he'd asked. There was a troubling flow of blood on her forehead, but Nezuko didn't seem to mind so he let it be. It already looked like it was healing anyway.

Zenitsu immediately turned to the side and started untying the rope wrapped around his and Inosuke's wrist, but as soon as the knot was pulled, a hard hand made contact with his back in a harsh punch.

"You! How are you awake?! You aren't getting away with this! We will have our dreams!" a girl screamed with her shrill voice.

What the?!

Zenitsu dodged the knife swinging in his direction. The girl glared and growled at him, getting frustrated. Suddenly, at the side, he heard Nezuko's loud sobs. Then, his friend body was engulfed in pink flames.

"Tanjiro!" He screamed, still in the process of dodging the girl's deadly blade. Punches were heading at him from all directions.

He really needed to knock these kids out.

With a swift kick, Zenitsu was able to kick the girl to the wall, making her faint. The other two started getting agitated, their punches getting hysterical. Thankfully, Zenitsu's hearing was able to pick up the sounds of their fists swinging in the air, giving him a guide on when and where to dodge. He quickly hit the necks of the two, completely knocking them out. Their bodies thudded when they hit the floor of the train.

A scream made him snap his neck towards his red-haired friend while Nezuko's tiny body ran behind Zentisu, trying to hide. She was startled by her brother's loud yell.

"Tanjiro?" the blond asked.

The red-head panned his gaze towards his friend with frantic eyes, "Zenitsu? Thank god! Where's Nezuko? Are Inosuke and Rengoku-san awake?"

"Inosuke and the glutton aren't awake yet, but Nezuko is behind me." He answered.

Tanjiro saw the little figure of his sister peek behind the thunder breather.

"Nezuko? I'm so sorry, Nezuko! I promise it won't happen again! I'm so sorry for scaring you!" Tanjiro got teary-eyed. The demon girl hummed, acknowledging her brother's apology.

"Tanjiro, we need to go. Nezuko will wake the others." Zenitsu ran to the front of the train. From what the blond remembered from Past-Tanjiro's retelling of the story, Enmu's power was to manipulate dreams, and to make a person fall asleep instantly.

He would have to be careful with that.

He'll stab his stomach over and over if need be.

"You're right. I'm coming!" Tanjiro grabbed his sword, but not before giving his sister a gentle head pat.

The two ran to an open window, and climbed out to the roof of the vehicle. There, at the distance, was a peaceful silhouette.


They ran forward, unsheathing their swords. And at the same time, they swung.

The dream demon dodged with great speed, showcasing their fast reflexes.

"Oh? You two are already awake? How interesting." The sickly-sweet voice dripped with distaste.

"Stop messing with people's head and feelings! We won't allow that! We will defeat you!" Tanjiro vowed.

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