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"you're filming me, aren't you?"━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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"you're filming me, aren't you?"

"You don't really wanna stay, no.
You don't really wanna go, oh."
- hot n cold (katy perry)



Yeseul took a glance at the grandfather clock, learning finally that an hour has passed since the realization that she was stuck in the overly large library of her university, and to make matters worst, she had to be stuck with him.

Just minutes ago, Niki had excused himself to the library's restroom, leaving her all alone finally. His presence was  overbearing, always finding the need to hold a breath or to mind every movement. Though she knew it was mostly on her part and less on his, she couldn't help but wish that he would just move away and seek comfort elsewhere. But what comfort was a dark library going to bring to two individuals who, unlike the others, found no joy in books?

Her eyes slightly widens when she heard the sudden sound of rain. Has it been raining all this time? If it has, it was louder this time, and she feared that a storm was rising and soon thunder would join in the sky.

Standing up finally, Yeseul headed to an isle in the library she had never stepped foot in. Whenever she wanted to read something, it had been a constant struggle with squinting her eyes or finding a position where the illumination from the window would hit the words by the hard bound cover of the book. Upon realizing it was just some boring book about something boring that had happened years ago, she placed it back to where she originally found it.

"No wonder it's dusty." She mumbles, wiping her hands on her pants that had residues of dust on it. "Now what is this book about?" She says to herself, pulling another thick book out of the shelf.

"Why are you trying to read in the dark?" A dark voice suddenly spoke behind her.

"Ah!" She screamed, swinging the book she was holding to hit the person behind her. The sound of the book colliding with Niki's face brought a gasp to her mouth as he fell to the ground while clutching his now swollen face.

"Ow! Did you have to swing the book?!" He exclaims, hand still on his cheek, rubbing it to ease the pain. She kneels to his eye level and puts down the book so she could better see how swollen his cheek was.

"I'm sorry! Why were you even sneaking up behind me in the first place?! You know how easily surprised I get!" She fires back, pulling his hand away from his cheek and replacing it with hers.

He picked up the book she was holding and took a peak of its title, and instantly laughters escaped from his lips. "Anthropology: A beginner's guide? Do you even know what Anthropology is?"

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