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"but if I just showed up at your party,
would you have me? would you want me?
would you tell me to go fuck myself?
or lead me to the garden?"
- betty (taylor swift)



"You look terrible." That was the first thing Sunoo says when he finds Niki at his doorstep.

Niki growled, walking past his friend then sitting at the couch next to Jungwon who also stared at his friend weirdly and worriedly. It was the morning after he got stuck in the library with Yeseul and he did not think twice about missing his morning classes and headed to his friend's apartment whom he knew had no classes at this hour.

"This is all your fault. If you only picked me up when I told you I was stuck in the library with her, then I wouldn't feel this awful." He wallowed in his despair as he buried his head in the softness of the couch pillow.

He had texted all his friends when he first realized that he was stuck in the library but he made the biggest mistake of telling them that he wasn't alone and had coincidentally been stuck with his ex, whom all his friends knew and liked. They all ganged up on him and made the grave decision of leaving him with her just so he would be able to patch things up with her as if he would be able to sway her mind easily. Now there he was, still thinking of her and that man who went through all the efforts of getting her out of there at 3 in the morning and earning himself the privilege of having to walk her home to her dorm. And all he could manage to do at that hour was watch the woman he love vanish through the rain with him.

Jungwon sighed after hearing what his friend said. "I think we forgot for a brief moment what you did to Yeseul. We should've realized that she wouldn't take you back right away."

"Right. If someone whom I dated for years broke up with me through a text, I also wouldn't go back to them." Sunoo shrugged.

Taking his head out of the pillow, Niki glared at both his friends who continued to trample on his moment of weakness. "Jeez, that made me feel better. Thanks for reminding me for the hundredth time that the break up was all my fault."

"Because that's the truth, dumbass. It was your fault and now you suffer from the consequences of it by pining over her." Sunoo flicks him in the forehead as he sat at the couch. "You need to work extra harder if you want her back. Instead of blaming us, you should be thanking us for giving you that chance to talk with her and perhaps fool her the same you did when we were teenagers!"

"She said she can't give me a proper response now." He pouts.

Jungwon and Sunoo looks at each other before they made Niki tell them everything that happened the night before. The three of them sat at the couch all while they listen intently to the story being told to them by their brokenhearted friend. And when the story was done, the only thing they could say after was a sigh as they spared each other a knowing glance.

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