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"This doesn't seem so bad

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"This doesn't seem so bad."

"What doesn't?"

"You know, us."

"I feel as though I was deceived,
I never found love in the city. I
just sat in self-pity and cried
in the car."
a change of heart (the 1975)



"What's my allergy?" Yeseul asked, holding a bunch of flashcards in between her hands while sitting right across Niki in one of the picnic table of the open area of their classroom.

"Peanuts?" He very obviously guessed because never had she once mentioned peanuts to him.

She sighed. "And you've killed me." She said, half a smirk on her lips while he laughs guiltily for not answering that question correctly. "I just told you half an hour ago, it's kiwi and eggs. I told him half an hour ago, right?" The next sentence was said as she looked towards the camera that had been filming them answer each other's questions.

The party was in less than two days, and the two had made it their utmost goal not to make it seem in any way that their relationship was nothing but a ruse of theirs. They have been successfully fooling the school for almost two weeks now and so far none has dared yet to ask about how their relationship came to be, aside, of course, from his closest friends, who she has only heard and never formally met. But their answer had always been the same: it was only now when both of them grew comfortable enough to share their relationship.

"Is that the last of your questions?" He asked upon checking in his flashcards there were no more to ask her. She checked her own and noticed that really was the last of the ten questions they both made. To answer his question, she nods. "I'm famished." He sighed in relief when realizing they were finally finished.

Looking at her watch, she noticed they had twenty minutes left before their next class begins. "Let's get out of here while class hasn't started yet." She tells him, a mischievous look plastered on her face.

Niki, finding both Yeseul's mischief and excitement endearing, mimicked the way she looked and without even thinking about it, quickly agreed. The two of them hurriedly stood up and before they can sneak their way out of the school, he held her wrist to stop her from walking any further. Glancing to his direction, she looks down to her wrist then back to his face, her confusion intensifying by every look she takes.

"Do you want to meet my friends first?" Niki asks with an adorable smile.

"All of a sudden?" She asks, laughing slightly which she hadn't meant to mix with the rising nervousness in her chest.

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