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"you took me by surprise, the way you
walked into my darkened life. you sent
the storm away. never expected you to
be a friend to me. you meant much
more than that."
- i <3 u (boy pablo)



"What are you doing out here?" Yeseul asked, seeing Niki outside the gates of their school, busily tapping on his phone before he heard her voice.

Hours earlier, she couldn't imagine the possible scenarios that would unfold that day, unable to decide whether to expect jeopardy in everything or simplicity in this act. All she could do was hope that whatever comes out of this stupid act of theirs would not be as bad as her head thinks it to be. With her camera on her hand, her mother had dropped her off to school where in front of the gates she sees her new fake boyfriend, collecting looks from students who passed by him.

"Waiting for you." He simply says with his usual cheeky smile, and surprisingly, she found this act of theirs funny, bringing a slight chuckle to her lips. "Come on, we should go in."

"Should we um..." Yeseul pauses, staring at his hand then back to his eyes, that for a second, showed hints of confusion as to what exactly she pertained to. But when she repeats what she did, finally he understood what she had been meaning to say.

As response, Niki extends his right hand to her direction and she wasn't quite sure what message he was trying to say with his action, or if whatever it is in her head, had been the answer. Seeing the dilemma she was suffering from, he gladly eases her worries by pointing at the bag hanging by her back. For a second she thought he was offering his hand to interlock hers with his, but he clears up the air of confusion simply by pointing.

"But it's light?" Yeseul asks.

"Still more comfortable if I do that than hold your hand in front of many people." He reasons, and she tilts her head and mutters 'you have a point' before handing her bag which was incredibly light. "Jeez, do you even carry anything?" He asks once the black bag was now hanging by his right shoulder.

She laughs. "Told you it was light, especially if the only thing inside it is a single notebook and one pen."

Finally, they began to walk inside, still discussing about Yeseul's habit of only bringing one notebook and one pen to school. While she explained in a sugarcoated manner how she doesn't bother listening or taking notes of the lesson, she could feel deep stares piercing through her. Their eyes examining the sudden closeness that appeared between two people that never seemed to have something just yesterday. But anyone understood anything could change drastically by tomorrow, hence their wonderment circled on how this sight happened.

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