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"take a video of the view instead!"━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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"take a video of the view instead!"

"And I wanna love like you
made me feel when we were 18."
- 18 (one direction)



"I hate you for being stuck here with me." Yeseul started with that. "I hate that we're so similar and so different at the same time."

For that one, Niki couldn't help himself but let out a little smile which, not much to her surprise, he kept in his face rather than quickly removing it. She thought deeply about what more about him she hated so much that she couldn't stand to look or stay anywhere near her, even going back to the past years she had spent always cursing him about something.

"I hate you for breaking up with me on a text." That had been the one which angered her the most, why, up until now, her anger towards him could never fully dissipate. "I hate that after your awful, awful text, you avoided me when I tried to confront you about it and even had the nerve to attend the same university as me."

"I hate you for doing that to our relationship after all the plans we made."

Yeseul never even realized the many reasons that fueled her indignation towards Niki. And she wanted to be just as enraged as she was four years ago when she had suddenly received that text. Still, how he looked at her and seemed so guilty for so much made her sadder than angry. If he were so guilty about everything, why did he do it in the first place? She thought. Suddenly she felt the weight of his hands that continued to touch her own, and immediately she pulled it away before anything in her could spark. Before buried feelings could suddenly resurface.

The thunder continued, and whenever it roared, like he said, she kept her eyes on his. And somehow, it always manages to calm down the sudden surge of anxiety. Perhaps it was the familiarity of it all, the unforeseen return of something left in the past, something that should've stayed behind like she preferred.

Niki couldn't speak, and she could think of so many reasons why.

"I hate you for calling me by that nickname again. You know, I only allow those close to me to call me that." Yeseul says upon recalling the nickname he had referred her to minutes ago.

"I gave you that nickname." There was a playfulness to his tone that threw her off guard. "Shouldn't I have some privilege?"

She rolled her eyes, despite the truth he spoke of. Seul was a nickname he had personally coined for the girl during the times they were developing a friendship in the midst of pretending to be a couple. No one had ever called her that; most already found her name short or sometimes would come up with some weird variation of her name. Still, Niki, being the person he was, had merely shortened her name. And of all the creative nicknames she'd been called, his was the one that stuck out the most to her. It was also because, around that time, she had already begun to like him. Though she didn't admit it to herself yet, a tiny part of her knew something so unknown had formed itself during those early stages.

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