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"The light reflects the chain on
your neck. he says, "look up"
and your shoulders brush. no proof,
one touch. but you felt enough."
you are in love (taylor swift)



Yeseul stared at herself in the mirror, admiring the navy dress she had bought prior to her agreement with Niki because she felt like doing so when she saw it worn by a mannequin.

The dress fell down a little below her knees, and she paired it with a pair of black heels she never imagined wearing for any occasion other than a fancy party. Although it seemed out of character, she did know how to put makeup on herself and she found her face quite nice and not-at-all like a pastry dessert served to child. As she went down to the living room, she catches her parents' attention who seemed to have forgotten about their daughter's plans of attending a party with a friend she claimed they did not know and will never know.

"Oh you're so beautiful, Yeseul! But how big is this party that you even wore those pair of black heels?" Her mother says, standing up to fix her daughter's hair.

"It's a big party, mom. Of course I'm going to put on this black heels." She smiles cheekily. "My friend said he's almost here with his driver. So you needn't worry about my transportation."

"He?" Her father's interest suddenly piqued by the gender reveal. "I didn't know this friend was a he."

Yeseul rolls her eyes. "Emphasis on the friend, dad. He just needs someone to accompany him to a party, that's all."

"So a date?"

"No, an accompaniment."

"That's just a long way of saying it's a date." Her father glares.

When Yeseul's phone suddenly made a noise, she quickly looks at it. Seeing that it was Niki telling her he was outside, she lets out a sigh of relief because she no longer had to keep on talking with her father whose interest towards her friend grown exponentially. Bidding her goodbye in the fastest way possible, she ran to the doors immediately, leaving her parents inside with many more questions left unsaid about this mysterious friend of hers that they apparently have never met.

Yeseul exited with a sigh, relieved that she had evaded her parents before they could exert the effort to squeeze information about her fake boyfriend who now stood outside her gate, dressed in a tuxedo that surprisingly made him seem more mature than he actually was. Made her want to laugh a bit if she wanted to be honest. At first, he didn't notice her presence and continued to fix his cufflinks, only when her heels made a sound did she actually catch his attention and when he did, his eyes lingered on her for a while, frozen the spot as he only now stared at the girl who fixed herself only now. Then she realized that she had been smiling as she stifled a laugh, realizing how funny she found him and his current outfit.

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