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hello this is flauvier thanking you for making it this far in with you <3

u guys have no idea just how much writer's block and responsibilities got in the way of finishing this book. but now that i finished it, i can finally breathe and say with you has reached its end.

at some point, i wanted to discontinue this because everything happening that time was so difficult that i could no longer find it in me to write words and create a story, however, thankfully, i did not succumb to my own demise and part of the reason why is because u all loved the book sm i couldn't disappoint u all :(

so thank you guys for loving this book and waiting for me to get myself together <3

but now, i'm back! ready to write once more and a whole lot more responsibilities in my shoulder with college application abt to eat me alive. 

anyw, to give some light as to how the plot of with you came into life. two things were my inspiration to writing this.

the kdrama our beloved summer <3

and the story i shared with a guy.

basically, this is how it went. when i was 8 years old i met a boy who would later tell me he liked me. yet the thing is, i liked his best friend TT so i rejected him. we stopped talking after that.

fast forward to four years later, i meet him once again and for the second time, he confesses to me and this time, i tried to like him back. and i successfully did bc there was nothing to not like abt him yk. but afterwards, we drifted apart because i had to transfer schools and he had to stay where we originally studied.

and fast forward again to another four years, we're studying in the same school again but this time none of us confesses anymore and we treat each other like how a pair of strangers would. we would often glance at each other but we no longer talked.

it's crazy tho how someone can be so involved in most of your life then suddenly, it's like nothing happened between the two of you.

do i still notice him the same way i used to? not anymore, sadly. we're always just going to be strangers with a past.

but i want to thank him tho for noticing me for so long <3

so i dedicate this to the boy i meet every four years. this is for our subtle glances & awkward encounters.

i hope u enjoyed niki and yeseul's story!

should there be any question or concerns, you may leave a comment down below! <3

thank you so much everyone !!

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