Day Four Part 4

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With one minute and thirty seconds left to spare, YN started to calm down. She tossed and turned, groaning. The mouth piece was spat out by her and it rolled on the floor.

"Fucking PISS off!" She curses out.

Minho couldn't help but crack a smile and laugh. "She's strong, that's for sure." he goes for the chains and took it off her one by one. "Looks like you passed this one."

"What?" YN breathes out, catching air. "You mean there's more tests?"

"The other's aren't extreme as this one, so don't wet yourself." Minho throws her a towel that she catches clumsily. "Wait, you already are." he lowers his chin looking at her with half lidded eyes.

"You should take a bath. I'll get you clothes to change on." Felix says but he hesitated to leave YN with Minho inside the room in that state. A state where she was still gathering her breath and relieving herself from the heated sensation.

She caught on his reluctant departure, this annoyed and confused her. He lied to her. Why would he be worried about her in the first place. He was just following orders like the subordinate he was.

Without having much to argue, Felix did leave. YN stayed sitting on the bed to rest while Minho cleaned up the remaining small bottle they used.

"Need help easing up?" Minho asks, not even making eye contact.

"No." A firm answer comes out of her with a stern glare. Minho didn't need to see her face, just her tome was enough to say she was dead serious. He lets out a chuckle of amusement.

"Alright, I'll leave now. Maybe next time, I can play with you." He smiles before leaving with the case.

"Play? Tsk, yeah right. Like I'd let you." YN growls and glares at the door.

(Outside the Room)

"How'd she do?" Chan's voice was heard from the stairs that was poorly lit. His tight fitting white polo showed off his bulk body figure.

"Better than I expected. I used the higher percentage dose you told me to use."

A sigh of relief escapes his lips. "Good, we can go according to plan. Make sure she rests." he descends the stairs after that.

Minho stood there on top of the stairs, thinking about how YN endured all the poison he injected to her. A normal average human could've died from it, but the side effect on her was more minor despite the dosage.

He was curious to why. How was she able to do it? Was she poisoned before? Is her immunity that strong? Minho, Chan and all the guys went through all sorts of training. One, being the poison test. They all passed it but with a lower percentage. The closes guess he could think of is because YN is related to the Serpent Yakuza, so its likely that she went through some kind of situation to be like that.

"Going to bed now, Hyung?" It was Hyunjin coming out of his room. Minho turns around to face him.

"Yeah, you?"

"I just woke up, I feel like taking a breather outside." he yawns, wiping the sleeve of his jacket on his face.

"Right. Goodnight." Minho takes walks pass him to get to the other hall to his room.

Hyunjin was about to go down when Felix appeared going up.

"Oh, Hyunjin. Why are you up? Night walk?"

"Yeah, what about you? What's with the clothes?"

"These are for YN, she just finished the poison evaluation." on his arms was a fresh towel, a white shirt, leggings, and underwear.

"So she passed, I'm not even surprised." he scoffs and rolls his eyes tot he side. "I'm still skeptic about her. Since when does Chan just take someone in so easily. Yesterday while we were waiting for her to wake up, he had this look on his face."

"What look? He seemed himself though."

"No, it was different. It was...softer than usual. And like he was in real deep thought."

Felix thinks of what Hyunjin said. He can agree that Chan has been acting favorites on her lately even if it's not that obvious. But Chan looks more anxious these days.

"I didn't really notice, but I'll keep that in mind. I should go."

"Fine, see ya later."

Felix proceeds to YN's room. "Hey, I have your clothes with me." He stops frozen by the door.

"Thanks, just leave it." her bare back was exposed to his vision. "You can leave." she turned her head to see if he had left of not. But he wasn't leaving, he closed the door and leaned back on it.

"I'll leave once your washed up." He walked steadily to wards her, his chest near her back. Dropping the clothes on the bed, his eyes stayed on the back of her head and her shoulders.

"Fine, do whatever you want." she plainly said and grabbed the towel and the clothes with her to the bathroom.

'What am I doing?' Felix internal questioned himself running his hands through his hair. He drops himself on the bed and sighs. 'She's not the same.'

He wasn't aware of the time, once he was done with thoughts YN was already drying her hair next to him. He sprung up from shock. "I didn't even hear you get out of the shower."

"If you weren't distracted, then you could've." she rubs the towel on her dripping hair. "You can leave now."

The smell of soap hits his nose, fresh and minty. The water trailed down her neck, it was tempting to touch. A mole was found on her nape too.

His finger finds its way on the mole.

"If the reason why you're not leaving me is to do that, forget it. Leave while I'm still asking nicely." He can feel her anger even without seeing her face.

Not uttering a word, Felix pulls himself up and turns to the door. 'Right, she's not her. I shouldn't think about think anymore.' and leaves.

The sound of the door shutting brings a huge sigh of relief to YN. And the tears she was bottling up finally came out.

'I'm scared.' her body trembled as she gripped the sheets of her bed.

'What if he gets angry and comes at me tomorrow? He can hurt me.' the thought stayed in her mind, terrifying her. She laid on the bed, a heavy throb in her heart, crying herself to sleep.

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