Flashback 1

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(From Day One)

"I get it now! You're trying to look good, I see it. Who doesn't want to get promoted, huh? Don't worry about it." Minho playfully slung his arm around Felix's Shoulders.

"We...should probably go."

Felix drove the car home and he left again. An excuse of going night shopping in the black market as he would "usually" do. 

1 am, when complete darkness fills the alleyways, two red doors are opened to the public. This Public is the only people who know about the red doors that lead to the black markets. 

Felix ventured into these doors every night for the latest products he can report to Chan. But also to secretly meet with someone. 

Cautiously like always, his guard was up for anything that could happen. He pass stores that sold tech or goods. Some endangered animals in cages and some suspicious liquid concoctions of who knows what.

He stops in front of a cafe, a cafe that not only sells drinks but information. Quite a popular meet-up place if you want to have a private talk. The bartender sees him and gives him a nod. A sign that his guest was here.

Felix went through a wooden back door and went down a flight of stairs. The hall he was met with was poorly lit with led lights in a nightclub. Multiple identical doors across each other, each of these with dangerous people inside.

A female employee who only has her underwear on escorted him to the room. The inside was darker and only red lights could make out what was there. 

"How is Fero?" she spoke, a glint of light reflected from her glass.

"Dead like you asked for. I can't stay long, tomorrow's the first day we cross paths." Felix stands in front of her with a bow. "Chan is convinced that you have only one real blood-related family member. It's better we keep it that way."

She hums and sits back. Her dress was long like an overflowing waterfall, it was beautiful. "Sure, let's do that. I look forward to your acting."

"You can count on me."

Immediately after, Felix left like he was never there. 

THE NEXT DAY (from Day Two)

Minho and Felix met up in a coffee shop that sells donuts. It was a place where Chan had always ordered donuts. 

"How was it last night? Found anything interesting?" Minho asked, he wore his favorite black leather jacket. "Next time bring me with you, I might be able to find new kinds of poison there."

"There were a few new arrivals, we can check it out sometime." 

They talked more for a bit. Felix kept glancing at the girl behind the counter. 

Feels weird, he thought.

"Hey, can you get us coffee with the donuts?" "Sure."

(From Day Three)

When they left, Mihno was smirking.

"That girl from the cafe looked pretty. Got her name?" He said when he parked the car.

"What? You mean the one who prepared the donuts for us?"

"Yeah, who else? She looked really cautious of you though as if she's suspecting you weird." He laughed. They both got out of the car and began walking towards their home.

"I didn't get her name," he lied, "But she did have these really cute earrings. I might get the same ones myself later." Indeed they were, the earrings were his favorite on her.

"When was the last time you got laid, Felix?" The person in question stopped walking. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"All of a sudden? I was talking about earrings and you throw me a rated question." Though he was caught off guard he still found his Hyung funny.

Time Skip

Felix met with her again in the same room in the black market.

"So? What does he decided to do?"

"He wants to kidnap you."

"Hmm, as expected.", She stood up and walks towards the table. "Christopher can sometimes be a greedy man and won't care about others, but on some occasions, he has a soft heart." She pours liquor into two decorated alcohol glasses. "What does he plan to do later?"

"He is not sure yet but he talked about taking all of Kang Jinyoung's assets and then, making Kang Taehyun join Wolfgang." She hands him a glass, "I don't think handing Kang Taehyun to Wolfgang is a good idea."

"I never intend to hand him over." She sits beside him, chugging the liquor in one go. "Haa, that kid doesn't like to be controlled by anyone other than me."

Felix gently takes the glass from her putting it down with his on a small table next to them. "Tomorrow, I would like to apologize in advance for my actions."

She glances at him and smiles. "I'd let you kidnap me anytime, Felix." her hand cares his face as she leaned on him. "Give me your best tomorrow."

"Please don't say that, even as a joke. I hate the idea of having to be rough with you." Felix sighs and embraces her. She has cold exposed shoulders. 

"But you can't deny that you like a little role-playing with me, hmm?" She traces his face from his hair down to his chin.

"That- ah...you're right."

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