Day Four Part 2

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Chan, Felix and two other guys led me to my room. For a hostage, they sure are giving me a five star hotel like room that even has its own bathroom.

I was expecting a large house interior but...this place is a mansion! Just how powerful and rich are these men.

"You'll be staying here for as long as I see fit. Once your evaluation is over, I'll reconsider if I let you go or take you in." I give him a side look.

"If you ever need anything, Felix is your room neighbor. You can ask him for anything you need. This is Hyunjin and Jeongin, you can also ask them for your necessities."

Hyunjin eyed me up and down like he was considering to be good or bad towards me while Jeongin smiled at me, he was the one who untied me earlier. I can sense a cheery mood from him. At least not all of them are hostile towards me.

"Hyung. It's not that I hate the idea it really necessary to keep her here without restrain? Consider her background." Hyunjin concerned crossing his arms.

"I am considering everything, but she's not just a hostage. She's also our guest now. Treat her with care, boys."

I swear, I'll rip off that cheeky smirk off your face one day Chan. Treat me with care? Who do you think pulled my hair so strongly a few minutes ago, Huh?!

"Ay, don't give me that look YN. Sorry about the hair pulling. I just had to hold you back before you kill my comrade." he said, like he read my mind.

"Let's go, she needs rest." Felix spoke after being so quiet. I can never tell what on his mind. He'll look at me worried then uninterested then intensely then glare at me. What is wrong with this dude.

"See you later then, YN." Chan and Hyunjin left, Jeongin waved goodbye to me and ran after. Felix stayed and entered my room.

I stay just one step inside by the door.
"You're not really going to college, are you." I plainly said. "How long were you watching me?"

"I never lied. And it was my first time meeting you that day at the cafe." he sounded apologetic as he laid out the bed sheets and turned on the heater. "I'm enrolled to that college partly because of you."

He reached for the telephone and pulled out its plug. He checked the drawers and cabinets for who knows what, but it's probably things that I can use to escape.

"Whatever, I'm done listening to you." I glared at him as he held the telephone and stared back at me.

He sighed and glanced at his feet. His bangs falling over his face. "Minho might come by later at night. Don't let him use you." he said before leaving the room and locking the door from the outside.

The sound of the lock made my legs wear out and I dropped to the floor. I'm trapped. And I'm being watched by these criminals in this mansion.

What about my house, my college and my friends. How long do I have to be here.

"I should've asked what he meant about an evaluation! Idiot!"

Okay, we need to try and think about this. I start by looking in all the cabinets and drawers.

"What? There's scissors, cutters and rope here... What? What did Felix even checked these drawers for?"

Hold on. This is so weird. This room can't be like that. The more I look in the drawers the more I sweated and grew scared.

This isn't just a room.

I glance at the bed and examine it. There's chains on the feet of the bed and more on the head board.

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