XXV. The battle

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Din and I are one next to the other, facing the man that caused us so much trouble.
"You never should have come here. How did you even find me?"
"Luck I guess"
"You're going to surrender now" Din steps forward
"Oh, Mandalorian. You're just no fun"
"I can bring you in warm..." he takes out his darksaber "...or I can bring you in cold"

I smirk at his words and ignite my lightsaber too
"Your choice chicken: you surrender and reach your brother in prison, or you try to beat a Mandalorian and a Jedi, both considered the best warriors of the galaxy"
"You underestimate my power"
"Sure, whatever. Listen, my friend here isn't really the talkative type of guy, and I'm quite tired. I say we just defeat you in a couple minutes and we are all happy"

Fenn Gideon pushes a button and the table he was using as a shield disappears under the floor.
Nice, I always wanted a stage.

I get closer swinging my weapon ready to fight, causing Din to move forward as well.
Gideon takes out a blaster and shoots repeatedly at us. 
I start spinning the lightsaber  to deflect the shots, gesturing Din to get behind me. He ignores me
"Armor, remember?"
I roll my eyes "Almost mortal leg and chest injury, remember?"
"Fair enough"

The blaster keeps shooting. Do these things ever run off of ammo? Din reaches with a hand his own blaster and hands it to me. I stop using the lightsaber for a second and he gets in the way shielding blasts with the beskar. I load the gun and shoot at Fenn Gideon's shooting arm.
He takes cover behind a piece of furniture as Din approaches him with the darksaber.

When he's close enough to kill him, his enemy pulls out a new weapon and extends his arm, force-throwing the Mandalorian away. I look at him for a second and I see that he is fine, so I turn to Fenn, who is now holding a red lightsaber
"Oh, you didn't tell me we could use tricks. More fun!"
"I told you I was more than what you thought"
The blue light of my weapon shine at my right side. I stare at him.
"There is the anger I was looking for!"
But this is not anger, this is the strength of a knight. He might be tougher to beat, but that doesn't mean I won't win.

Behind me the door opens and more stormtroopers come in. I glance at Din, and he nods before going to take care of them while I face Moff Gideon.
"You can't beat me, Jedi. If you manage to survive, it will be your lucky day"
I swing my saber up in fighting position "In my experience, there is no such thing as luck"

And just like that, the blue and red of the lightsabers collide.

*3rd person point of view*

The room has become a battle field, despite its small size. Inside the Imperial ship it is almost like two different fights were happening together.
On one size the brutal aspect of war, on the other the elegance of a fighting art.

The Mandalorian had found himself almost sorrounded by stormtroopers, and he's trying to avoid the blasts hitting Kaira as she is facing the warlord. Luckily the stormtroopers are aiming all at him. He would roll his eyes at their lack of cleverness if he wasn't in the middle of a gunfight.
Weapons are part of him, no one would disagree. He fights alone better than the dozen stormtroopers do. In one hand he keeps the darksaber, even though he still isn't used to fight with it properly; in the other his blaster, his weapon of choice. He shoots and hits every single soldier that's close to him. When the darksaber starts to feel too heavy he switches to his vambrace, using the flamethrower and his whistling birds. After a bit he thinks the soldiers are all knocked out, instead it's like as if they kept coming from some spawn. A thought comes into his mind.
There really is a spawn.

He activates the comm link to the Spark
He hears beeping from his device
"BB-4, I need you to check if there is another Imperial ship. You keep the kid safe, and if you see one you destroy it. Go. It's our only chance"
The droid beeps again, and Din hopes it understood what he had to do.

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