2. Orlando

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Damn it! I cursed myself for being an idiot as I swam away from the RS Yerseke. I should have realized that wasn't just a pleasure cruise with some unobservant idiots on it but a research vessel. Now my leisurely swim had disturbed their sensors and I'd spooked the pretty marine biologist.

I was fairly certain she'd seen me, I hadn't noticed her in time as I'd let the currents drift me around through the trench. I got far too tense on shore when the Undaunted was in for maintenance. Dad knew better than anyone in the family that I needed the water around me. If it weren't for my family I'd have probably swam off a long time ago, I had no patience for people and hated being on two feet.

That didn't mean I didn't know better than to stay out of sight when swimming. I should have known to avoid this area when I'd first spotted the Yerseke. Now I was fairly certain the pretty researcher had seen enough of me to know I wasn't some dolphin or shark. She'd gotten a look at my face.

Would she recognize me if she ran into me on land? Would she think she'd imagined me? My heartbeat sped up for some reason and I realized I was exited by the thought of seeing her again. Would she be just another boring human or would I like her company? Maybe she was enough like me to understand? After all she was out here at sea, diving alone just like I was.

It wasn't me to act this irresponsibly, that was more my younger brother Matt's prerogative; regardless I found myself watching the ship from a safe distance. Unable to swim away.

I watched carefully from below the waves as the little scientist worked her winch and checked her sensor before setting out to return it to it's place on the bottom of the ocean. I drifted closer to her when she was in the water, circling her but keeping carefully out of view this time. Making sure no sharks were nearby to threaten her.

And when she returned aboard the ship just before nightfall and with clear fatigue took off her gear I stared far too intently at the curves revealed when she was in nothing but a cheerfully red and yellow bikini. She wasn't a thin girl, she had some curves but I loved her shape, all luscious woman. I was a right pervert for watching her like this, but still I didn't swim away.

It was as if she could sense my eyes on her too, she kept darting glances around her. Searching the water as if she thought she could locate me. I was too far away to be able to tell if she was scared or intrigued but I resolved to find out more about her, one way or another.

I knew that was wrong, I knew I was atypical in my thought patterns. I wasn't as human as my brothers who could be social and outgoing, who could handle being on land as well as being in the sea. The older I got, the more I needed the solitude of the sea and the more I knew I'd fixate on things and worry at them until I understood.

My family said it made me a good researcher and a hard worker but I knew they worried that one day I wouldn't come back. I worried the same thing. Right now family was enough but I knew there'd be a day when it wouldn't be. And would I find something else to anchor me to the human world before that happened? I wasn't sure. I could feel the pull of the ocean getting stronger each day.

For now I'd found something else to obsess over though, this little researcher with her luscious curves and her long blonde hair and her wide blue eyes. When the RV Yerseke lifted anchor and set out for the nearest harbor I followed.

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