11. Mariana

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Next batch of updates! Woo-hoo one last batch after this and the story is finished. I hope you all enjoy reading about Orly and Mariana so far.😁😅

Much love



Orly was lethal, there was no other way to describe what he did to me. From getting me all hot and bothered simply from touching the back of my knee in that naughty way... To the way he'd just devoured me with his eyes.

The self-consciousness about my weight had caused me to make a comment about it but he clearly didn't care. When I pulled me between his legs I nearly melted into a puddle at his feet. To have his mouth touch my skin so close to my most private parts, how he managed to make that seem normal and innocent enough to get away with it and yet...

I was fairly disappointed he didn't pull me into his lap and made love to me on the spot. Seriously, this guy was doing things to my libido.

When he suggested I gear up and then wait for him to get in first I could only nod, derailed that he didn't follow up that one kiss with more. I even forgot to step back so when he got to his feet, the boat rocking slightly beneath us, we were chest to chest. He didn't seem to mind, smiling at me, "I'll need to get undressed first."

Yes please, I was already nodding at him. Go ahead, strip. Then I realized I needed to move back and didn't want to, it was nice to stand so near to him, breathe him in. He clasped my shoulders and moved me back a little but only by a step or so. Then he shrugged out of his shirt and I couldn't resist running my fingers up his washboard abs.

He chuckled, trapped my hands against his warm skin, "In the water, you can touch me all you want." I stepped back and though I knew I should I still didn't close my eyes. He shot me a confident grin and then shucked his pants, just like last night. "You can look," he murmured. Cheeks flaming a little I did, looking at his lean hips, the dark hair that rested at the base of his cock. He wasn't entirely soft and satisfyingly sized, I'd noted that last night of course but it had felt far to naughty to think about.

He waited a little longer, dark eyes intent on me for a long moment and then he turned and dove into the water. His athletic body cutting a neat curve through the air before he sliced into the water with barely a splash.

In the daylight, with the water clear and sparkling, I could see his shape shiver and change and then his silvery tail propelled him through the current. He circled the boat once before surfacing, his eyes glittering my way as he shook his semi long hair back, exposing the transformed, fin like ears. He was breathtaking this way.

I hurried to strap on my flippers and grab my goggles and snorkel. Then was grateful he was there to help me get in. At first I just held the goggles while I looked at him, the change in perspective, being so much closer to him was mind boggling.

I went from aroused to just extremely excited and curious at first; touching his ears and running my fingers gently over his gills. He held onto the boat for me so he could tilt his tail for my inspection and I eagerly tested the texture, the strength of his scales. Felt along the ribs that made up the wide fan at the bottom. It was sharply spiked at the bottom, looking lethal and sharp.

When I started to put on my goggles for a closer underwater inspection I heard him snicker. "It's a good thing I find it flattering or I'd start to feel like a bug under a microscope."

Blushing I came back to his side, threading water to stay in place. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I guess I got a little carried away." He let go of the boat, his tail sinking further beneath the waves, moving lazily to keep him stationary. Then he circled his arms around my waist and held me to him. Every ridge and line of his well defined chest brushing against my bathing suit clad body.

"Anytime Mariana," he murmured and then he dipped his head and pressed a kiss to my mouth. He tasted of saltwater and something uniquely him and I eagerly opened up for his invasion. Happy to trust him to keep me afloat.

When he pulled back I was sorely disappointed, but he banished those feelings when he said sweetly, "I really like you. I know it's quick but how long do you still work with Hybach? You think you can team up with me afterward?"

Wow... Hadn't I been thinking exactly that just last night? This was all moving crazy fast but it felt so dang right to be with him. We hadn't even made love or anything but Orly was just so... It for me.

Leaning in I pressed my forehead to his, "I think I could be persuaded. Bar is pretty low, working for Hybach sucks." He chuckled, "Well I hope it's more than that." He pulled me in even closer, "I'd love to show you everything there is to my world. You'll love it."

I knew I would. Orly really was everything I wanted in a guy and with his merman tail he could go places I never could, show me things I never thought I would. It sounded like a dream come true, to live with him on the Undaunted and between his salvage job research whatever we wanted.

I was getting ahead of myself here, we couldn't make such a leap based on just a day together now could we? So instead I let him lead me on an underwater swim. The area was pretty bare but it was amazing to watch him move and he gladly performed some underwater acrobatics for me. Blowing my mind with his control over his body and the element we were floating in.

We even had a visit from a small pod of curious dolphins who played around with us for a time. I'd never interacted with them like this, it was fun and the wild creatures were definitely very different with Orly around. When one seemed to take a shine to me, nudging me a little more roughly and swimming close; all Orly had to do was swat him with his tail and the animal gave me space again.

When I was getting tired Orly helped me back into the boat; we'd spend easily three hours floating around and I was starving by now. Still, I certainly had time to admire his form as he climbed in after me, easily drying us both with a flick of his fingers and a concentrated frown on his face.

"I can't believe you can just evaporate the water like that," I said, "How is that even possible?" He shrugged and didn't bother to get dressed in much more than his shorts before simply sitting down across from me. "I don't know either, it's beyond what I can scientifically explain I'm afraid."

Then I saw his grin as he pulled out a cooler with lunch, "Hungry?"

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