18. Orlando

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Almost! Nearly there! The voices in the office were getting louder, more agitated and I suspected that at any moment now they'd come out here to deal with me. I needed to get free before then.

The murky, dirty water from the puddle wasn't a whole lot and it had been hard work to get it to slither across the floor my way for a distance of nearly twenty meters. It was finally under the chair though and with relief I could let it flow up and into my hands. It was easier to move it now, with it touching my skin.

In theory, water could cut a lot of things, metal and stone included; cutting rope with it should be doable. I'd used water to cut things before at great depths even, it was a handy tool in my arsenal as salvage worker. But I'd never done it while not submerged, while having access to so little water. I'd have to get it spinning in a circle somehow and this wasn't saltwater, though it did have sand in it that might help.

I'd just done the first test spins in my hands, my head back to pounding now that I was focusing so damn hard. Then the office door finally slammed open and two figures walked out.

I recognized both of them immediately; Hybach and another of Mariana's colleagues. I hadn't caught his name but he'd been there in the bar the night we'd met. Hybach wore this gruff but triumphant look, while the other guy just remained silent and intense now that they stood in front of me.

I didn't say anything, just looked at them, I could guess what they wanted but I wasn't going to play into their hands. They couldn't force me to shift and I'd never admit to what I was, I'd just laugh in their faces. As long as long as they didn't look at my hands, tied behind my back, they'd never realize how abnormal I really was.

Hybach spoke first, "How long can you last without the ocean? A day? A week?" I simply raised an eyebrow and shook my head, "What are you talking about?" The man frowned and shook his head, "Cooperate and we'll make sure you have access to saltwater, you'll get to live. Fight us and we'll make sure you'll never touch the ocean again."

I liked how he said touch the ocean, not saying he'd release me, just saying that my cooperation would get me contact with saltwater really. How on earth had they come to think I needed the saltwater to survive? I wasn't a fish. Sure it would drive me a little nuts if couldn't go for a swim but I was certain rescue or escape would happen long before then.

"What the hell would I want with saltwater?" I asked him. "Just let me go, I think you've got the wrong guy here." I tried to look confused, "Are you guys mafia or something? Loansharks? I'm not in trouble with anyone!"

Hybach had lost some of his confidence, looking like none of what I was saying was making sense to him. The other guy though, he was getting more and more intense; that one was a fanatic. He stepped closer, leaned into my space, hands on the chair on either side of me while he angrily hissed at me. "I know what you are, I saw the lack of gear on your ship! You're going to be our proof, we'll see who's laughing then!"

Ah, so this Ted had been responsible for breaking into the gear room aboard the Undaunted. Hybach pulled his accomplice back, "Easy there Ted. It's clear he's trying to discourage us. We'll just wait until we've got the right equipment delivered and then we'll get to work. In the meantime, let me grab my kit for some samples at least."

The guy, Ted, didn't leave while Hybach hurried to fetch whatever it was he needed to get his damn samples. I didn't want to engage the twitchy Ted but I knew more than anything I needed to cut my ropes.

So I did the thing I sucked at the most, I made small-talk.

"What do you want me for mate? I didn't do anything!" I started out and then when he didn't respond just started a list of complaints about being tied up, the location, being thirsty, needing to take a piss. Whatever floated to the top of my brain.

At the same time I continuously scuffed my feet over the floor, making more noise. The water in my hands spinning faster and faster until I was sure he'd hear the soft hissing noise but all he did was glare at me with his arms crossed.

Then I felt the rope starting to break, strands snapping apart. Yes! It was working.

Hybach returned far too soon though, carrying a metal case with him and hurrying to kneel at my side. Thankfully just out of line of sight of my hands. "Just going to get some DNA, this wont hurt, just a little scrape on the inside of your cheek!"

He came up with some cotton swabs but I shook my head, "No way. You're not touching me."

Damn it, come on rope!

And then it snapped.

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