20. Orlando

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The police were called and came to arrest Ted and Hybach. Inspecting the crime scene and taking our statements. Of course we'd hidden all evidence of water on the premises and my dad had tossed his bag and container of saltwater back in his truck.

Medics had come to taken both men and when they'd revived Ted from his knock to the head he'd gone off, railing about mermen and scientific breakthroughs restoring his name. Hybach had wailed how he'd seen us move water through the air, told the police I was a lying bastard who could do magic.

Yeah... They were headed straight for the looneybin. Nobody was taking them seriously.

I didn't let go of my beautiful Siren for a moment, clutching her tightly to my side even when the medics bandaged up my wrists. She was holding on to me just as tightly though but by the time we were released from the police station to head home she was exhausted. It was close to midnight by now.

In the car she fell asleep against my shoulder and I met my dad's eyes in the rear view mirror. "She did good in there son," he told me. "When's she moving in?"

I laughed softly, "Did you ask mom to move in after two days? Did she say yes?" His eyes laughed back at me, "I did and she did."

When we arrived back at the Undaunted I woke Mariana so we could get aboard the ship. She was a little groggy at first, then eyed the Yerseke and pulled this face full of revulsion, so I leaned close to her ear. "Wanna go pack up your stuff and move in with me?" I nodded at the Undaunted.

The last vestiges of sleep disappeared from her face and her blue eyes went wide. Then she eyed her old ship and then the larger Undaunted before coming to a conclusion. She nodded, "Yes please. But no leaving my side, last time you left the Yerseke some asshole clobbered you on the head."

"Yes ma'am," I answered. My dad seemed of the same opinion as Mariana though, following us aboard the Yerseke and waiting outside the cabin door while my Siren and I hurried to stuff all her things in bags.

When we climbed aboard the Undaunted we were met on the deck by several people at once, much to my surprise. There was the tiny whirlwind of a woman that was my Mariana's friend. Mom was there, rushing over to hug both my Siren and me.

At the back, Matt glowered at us, one inked arm crossed over the other, his dark eyes flat. But once both Anita and my mother had fussed over us, he stepped up and slapped my shoulder. "Glad you're back safe." Then his dark gaze dropped down to my Mariana, I felt her flinch back into my side from it.

And mother present or not, I reached out and cuffed him on the back of his head. "That's my girl you're glaring at, do it again and I'll kick your damn ass."

Matt's head came up, startled gaze meeting mine and finally, at long last I saw a glimmer of his old self emerging. Then he cracked a grin, all friendly now, "Sorry bout that. Welcome to the family Mariana."

Yeah, that was better. I eyed my Siren, saw her look back at me and I leaned in and kissed her. "I love you Siren."

And her eyes shone, she didn't say it back but I knew; she loved me too.


Soooo that was the end of that. :-) I hope you guys are satisfied and liked it.

If you want to know more about Matt, he has his own story going in Hook, Line & Sinking.

Thank you all for reading! I hope you guys vote or comment or follow

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Thank you all for reading! I hope you guys vote or comment or follow. ;-)

Much love,


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