12. Orlando

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Mariana led me back to the Yerseke after our swim. We held hands the entire way over and I felt like my heart was soaring right out of my chest. I would have preferred taking her home to the Undaunted for this but she clearly felt more comfortable being in her own space. Maybe she didn't want to make the wrong impression on my dad who was hanging around the ship, overseeing repairs.

The Yerseke was in its berth like that morning and when we went aboard together it appeared she was empty. Mariana pointed out Hybach's missing jacket and assured me that meant the ship was empty. Something we'd already suspected when she had to use her keys to unlock the doors.

"I've never done this before," she murmured as she led me into her cabin and surveyed the small bunk and economically utilized space. "Done what?" I asked, wanting to make sure we were on the same page.

"Taken a guy home after the first date," she murmured shyly, tossing her long blonde hair over her shoulder to gaze at me through her lashes. I smirked at her, "I think we can technically call this a second date." Besides, if it were up to me this was going to be the start of the rest of our lives, we could have many dates in the future.

She laughed, "Okay I guess we can." Then I took matters into my own hands by leaning in to kiss her. Catching her smile against my lips. She was soft and giving and she easily yielded as I moved us toward her bunk. When her knees started to buckle I caught her up in my arms and slowly lowered her down.

"I'm going to make love to you Mariana," I told her as I started undressing her; starting with the straps of her dress. "Oh, okay, yes please," she told me and helped me along. We were slightly awkward in the small space but that hardly mattered. Soon I was naked and she nearly was, if not for the absurdly difficult to undo strappy sandals she wore.

She laughed again and helped me out and then we were pressing together on the bed, our bodies entwining. It didn't matter at that point how little the space was, I had all I needed right there in my arms.

First I wanted to taste her pink nipples, lavish attention to the generous curves of her body. Make sure she understood I adored each and every part of her. As I sucked and nibbled she made the most beautiful little noises, ramping up my desire for her. She pressed against me eagerly and gasped when I traveled down to swirl my tongue through her belly button.

"Orly," she yelped and then a soft moan when I licked at the top of her pretty slit. "Yes... right there." She held onto my hair with clenched fists, pressing her body up against me eagerly. Her taste the perfect blend of tangy and sweet.

Soon I found the right rhythm to get her to the edge; strumming her clit with my tongue and gently stretching her passage with my fingers. When she hurled over the edge she called out my name and tried to urge me back up my body but I wasn't ready. I wanted to hear her do that all over again, I'd never enjoyed someone calling out my name as much as I did at that moment.

"Again my sweet siren," I told her and was rewarded with a sultry smile. "Seriously?" she asked but then she didn't speak again when I found her center with my mouth. This time twirling my tongue inside of her. She squeaked, startled and then her legs fell open further and I pierced her anew with my fingers. "Definitely."

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