7. Mariana

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Wow, could this guy get any more perfect? I wondered to myself as I said goodbye to him at the gangplank to the Yerseke. He'd kissed me again, looking regretful about having to go, and then watched until I'd gotten aboard the ship before turning to head back to the Undaunted only a short walk over.

He was smart and quirky, kind and sort of awkward which served to set me at ease far more than I expected. Not to mention that he was a merman, turning into an utterly fantastical creature whenever he felt like it. I was so jealous of that. Although he'd been far more willing to share than I expected him too. He'd readily answered any question that had floated to the top of my brain.

As I headed for my small cabin I vividly recalled the kisses we shared, feeling like a teenager coming home from her first date; I was practically swooning. Nothing had ever excited me this much, made me feel this special. If I wasn't careful I'd think this was love at first sight... But that was far too fanciful a notion.

"So, had fun had you?" Hybach's voice cut through the air; making me jump in surprise. I hadn't heard him come out of his own cabin a few doors down while I'd been staring dreamily at my own door. He was out of his stuffy work clothes and wearing shorts and a rumpled t-shirt, a thick cloud of cigar smoke still clinging to him.

For the first time since coming to work on the Yerseke I realized that I often ended up being the only left aboard with him. That right now there was no one on the ship but me and him. With his tendency for unpleasant rude behavior down to being a bit of a lech I suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable about that.

I turned my back to my cabin door, opening it with one hand and making sure I could easily step inside and shut the door. I couldn't be too rude, Hybach really did have the power to make or break a career, especially a relative newcomer like me. But if it came to my personal safety I knew what I would choose.

"It was nice," I told him, lifting a shoulder to shrug. He lowered bushy eyebrows, "Well, as long as you know I don't condone fraternizing or any kind of loose behavior on this ship." What the hell? Why was he saying that? What did he think I'd been doing when going to a pub? Or was this payback for declining to have a drink with him.

Then he pointed at the oversized windbreaker Orly had lent me. "You realize salvage workers have very notorious reputations. Don't let hanging out with a badboy ruin your promising career. You should make better choices about who you hang out with."

My mouth dropped open in shock but I didn't get the chance to reply, he stepped back into his own cabin and slammed his door shut. I gaped after him. Did he seriously just imply that if I didn't pick his company over Orly's that would be bad for my career? What a disgusting slimy jerk!

I was of half a mind to knock on his door and commit career suicide on the spot. Another part of me thinking it might be a better idea to just march over to the Undaunted and tell Orly what had just happened. We hadn't even thought to exchange phone numbers so it wasn't like I could call him. In the end, like a coward, I just retreated into my cabin and locked the door behind me.

Still fuming I contemplated how perfectly quick that arrogant, disgusting Hybach had ruined the afterglow of my night out with Orly. Wanting to at least recapture some of the happy feelings I texted Anita to let her now I'd gotten back safe and sound. Happy when she immediately called to demand the details.

Of course, I had to leave out a significant part of my evening but that didn't mean I couldn't share a little. I certainly didn't have to lie about how amazing his kisses were or the fact that I'd be spending my free day tomorrow with him.

When I relayed what Hybach had said to me Anita was satisfyingly outraged on my behalf. Though when I recounted the moment I had to admit that labeling Orly as a badboy was a stretch by far. Sure he wasn't your typical nerd with that handsome face and swimmers physique but everything else about him was socially awkward geek. Which was totally my type.

Okay, swoony feeling recaptured. I couldn't wait to see him again tomorrow and getting to swim with him in earnest. We hadn't agreed on a time but I doubted Orly would mind if I showed up at the Undaunteds gangplank the moment I got done with my tiny portion of work tomorrow.

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