5. Mariana

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The Man might be more socially awkward than I was but he had a point. It probably was a little stupid to go of with a stranger without at least letting someone know where I was going.

He was super patient when I stopped walking and pulled out my phone to text Anita; letting her know his full name and where he was taking me. Then he made me laugh by solemnly swearing he'd get me back home before my curfew, the dry wit surprising me. He smiled back, serious face transforming, dark eyes twinkling.

"Ready?" he asked when I'd tucked my phone away. Anita had send back affirmative thumbs up symbols, clearly not worried. Then she'd added some naughty advice that I didn't dare repeat to Orly. Though he'd raised an eyebrow in question when I'd started blushing.

I nodded and was delighted when he tucked me under his arm. He was strong, his body whipcord lean, it was a novel sensation to be pressed up against him. I'd dated mostly colleagues and during my uni days other students, so my dating life the past seven years had only included nerdy types, much softer around the edges than Orly. And in high school I hadn't dated at all.

We didn't really speak until he led me to his ship, pointing it out with obvious pride. I'd noticed it before as it was docked only a few berths over from the Yerseke but the ship was easily twice its size. As we walked past the research vessel I noticed that dark red glowing dot, the pungent smell of Hybach's cigars. Seems he was still out on the deck.

"I think my father might still be awake," Orly said, pointing out a light at one of the portholes on the big Undaunted looming in front of us. It was the only light still on on the entire ship. "So let's be quiet, I'd rather not explain my breach of confidence to him."

"Oh? I guess you shouldn't go around showing yourself to random girls huh?" Dumb question Mariana, I scolded myself. Of course he shouldn't. If he really was what I'd seen in the water, his existence had to be the utmost secret.

He flashed me a wry smirk, "That was definitely a first for me." Then he made quick work of lowering a motorized dingy into the water and like a gentleman helped me aboard. He pulled out a large windbreaker from somewhere and wrapped it around my shoulders next.

"It's cold on the water, next time we'll go during the day," he said seriously as he tucked the collar upright underneath my long hair; his fingers lingering against my skin. He was entirely focused on the motion, eyes on where his fingers touched me and I felt heat sear me to the bone. What a sensation, to be the focus of all that attention.

"Confident there's going to be a next time?" I asked him, surprised and flattered he was thinking that far ahead. His dark eyes were wide and startled when they met mine; possibly surprised by what he'd said or maybe surprised by what I had.

"Oh uh..." he muttered and then more firmly, "I hope so." This guy was far too direct, too open, to be harboring a secret this big. I felt a tightness in my throat, a heat in my belly at being so clearly desired by a guy this good looking.

He was still standing close, still had his hands on my collar beneath my hair. Dark eyes focused intently on my face. Unable to resist I leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, having to go on tip toe to do it.

His mouth was soft, that full bottom lip luscious and his gasp gratifying and when I pulled back his arms came around me. He pressed me close to his firm chest and then he was kissing me in earnest.

I couldn't believe I'd done something as daring, as crazy as kissing handsome, quirky, mysterious Orly. Didn't regret it for a minute though, every touch of his mouth, press of his tongue served to ignite a desire I hadn't even known I was capable of.

When he pulled back I was panting, my legs weak and my heart racing. "Wow!" I said and watched the delighted pleasure coloring his cheeks, glittering in his eyes. "You are a Siren," he murmured huskily. A calloused thumb rubbed my bottom lip gently, "Calling me, drawing me in, ensnaring me. And I have no desire to escape."

I half expected him to pick me up and cart me off to his cabin at this point. Almost wished he did so we could finish what we started. After such beautiful and surprisingly poetic, heartfelt words I was on fire for him. I'd never felt this desired in my life and the prospect of passionate sex with this guy, at the moment, seemed to surpass the desire to see the proof mermen existed.

But Orly had me sit down and soon he was expertly taking the dingy out to sea; taking us far enough away that we'd be free from prying eyes. I wasn't too disappointed that this outing hadn't changed its purpose, soon I was far to excited at the chance to see him as a merman, that is, if he really was one.

As he killed the engine and stood, easily balancing in the rocky boat, his eyes met mine. "There's a lantern over there, why don't you turn that on so you can better see?"

I found the lantern quickly and turned it on, shocked at the sight of Orly stripping out of his clothes the moment I turned back to him. "Whoa..." He'd already gotten his shirt off, revealing washboard abs and chiseled pecs. And he clearly felt not a shred of modesty as he started shucking his pants.

Cheeks heated with desire and shock I didn't look away when he stood before me fully naked. Holy cow was this guy sexy. I guess part of me should be alarmed that he'd just, without warning, stripped. Mostly I was far too distracted by his beautiful body.

When my eyes finally traveled back up to his face I saw his amusement, a little smug even but he didn't call me out on blatantly ogling him. Instead with a nod, turned to the edge of the boat and took a graceful dive straight into the water.

I rushed to that side, holding the lantern aloft, breath stalling in my lungs. Where was he? Would it turn out to be a hoax? Or was he truly a merman? Was I about to have the foundations of my world thoroughly rocked?

And then I saw him, a silver shadow darting just below the water's surface. A long silvery tail, more blue green than silver on the top side. A muscled torso, pale in this light now but I'd seen the deep tan. Then he surfaced, coming up against the side of the boat and I got my best look yet.

He lifted a webbed and claw tipped hand to brush his hair back from his face, revealing that his ears had changed shape. They were silver and blue green streaked fins, made of several little ribs, delicate and pretty looking. His pupils were huge and three little lines on either side of his neck, nearest his shoulders softly opened a little. Holy shit, gills? Of course he had gills.

He reached out and grabbed the edge of the boat, steadying himself with one hand against the side. His eyes never left mine while he agilely twisted his body and brought his tail curving upward. He was real, this was real. I couldn't deny that now. I wasn't crazy for following him here, he'd proven to be true. Or maybe I was a little crazy but I hardly cared.

For what was probably far too long we just stared at each other. I Was cataloging every detail I could see. Gently touching his webbed hand and studying the texture, still skin, the sharpness of his claws. Trying to decipher the size of the scales that covered his fish tail. I wanted to know everything.

Then he lowered his tail back in the water, far too soon as I didn't think I wanted this moment to ever end. Both hands grabbed hold of the edge of the dingy, causing the little boat to rock. I didn't care, I leaned in toward him, nearly overbalancing and ending up in the water myself.

I kissed him again, tasting the salt of the sea on his lips. I wasn't going to let the this chance to kiss a real merman pass me buy. When we parted he was grinning hugely, "I meant to climb back aboard but that was much more fun." "Oh," I covered my mouth with a hand as I fought the feeling of embarrassment starting to creep in.

But he was still smiling and the expression in his eyes was soft and warm. So I said what was foremost on my mind, "I wish I had my diving gear so I could join you in the water."

"Tomorrow?" he offered.

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