13. Mariana

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Orly seriously knew what he was doing. I was still shaking from that first orgasm and he was already working my body into a fever pitch again. He'd only given me just enough time to calm down in between so that my clit wasn't too sensitive.

His tongue was magic and as he moved his fingers he curled them a little each time until he strummed that spot inside of me that made me see stars. When I came that second time my orgasm rolled over me like a wave, fitting when caused by my very own merman.

This time I finally managed to get him to lie at my side, his handsome face filled with smug satisfaction. "Please tell me you have a condom with you?" I asked, desperate to please him as much as he'd just pleased me. Pretty desperate to feel that heavy erection pressing against my leg inside of me.

"I do," he murmured, leaning over me to fish it out of his pocket. I took advantage of the position to trail my fingers over his back, feeling the little bumps along his spine and the indents on either side at the top of his hips.

When he leaned back, triumphantly holding the silver wrapper in hand I leaned up to nibble at the edge of his jaw. He let me explore him the way he had explored me and I happily set out to map each curve and ridge of his chest, the firm globes of his ass. He laughed when I palmed those and returned the favor, yanking me against him.

"My little scientist, enough, I need to be inside of you," he murmured against my throat and then there were no more words. He sheathed himself in the condom and urged me on top of him, holding his cock so up so I could sink down on him.

He stretched me as he entered but it was a delicious little burn. I rose and fell on him, taking him a little deeper each time until I was fully seated. Delighting in the hooded look he gave me, heavy lidded with desire. His wondrous chest spread out before me and his hands clutching at my hips, urging me to ride him.

We found the right rhythm and then my orgasm was building, rising like the tide. Cresting when he slipped his thumb down to rub against my clit in maddening little circles. "Yes Orly!" I moaned as the waves broke and I splintered around him. "Siren..." he said and then he flipped us, almost causing us to topple out of the small bunk.

Pressed into the mattress he ramped up our speed, thrusting into me with more force. Swiveling his hips to grind against me just right and another, lightning burst orgasm slammed through me, surprising me. He followed me over this time. His pace stuttering as his cock kicked inside of me with the force of his own pleasure.

Chest sweat slicked he came down on top of me, partially leaning on one elbow but pressing enough weight into me to feel delicious covered. "Mariana..." he sighed, pressing his face into the crook of my neck. I was too limp to do much more than nuzzle back against him but I was smiling hugely. "Wow..."

Eventually he went to dispose of the condom, coming back to lie at my side and cuddle some more after we'd both cleaned up. "That was amazing, it was for me at least, you too?" he asked. A hint of uncertainty creeping into his voice that I didn't expect. "Orly, if you'd blown my mind any more you'd have had to scrape me of the wall..."

He threw back his head and laughed, "Good, can't have that..."

We sank into pleasant silence, cuddled on my tiny bunk and I was nearly drifting off when a phone started ringing. It wasn't mine, a ringtone I didn't know, but Orly groaned and leaned out to fish around for his pants again. "Must be my dad, he wouldn't call unless it's an emergency."

He answered with a frown and that frown got deeper the longer the voice on the other side talked. I couldn't hear what was being said but it clearly wasn't happy news. Indeed Orly said he'd be there soon and hung up, turning to look at me with an apologetic look.

The insecure part of me said that he was going to head out the door and I'd never see him again. Then I remembered how he'd shared such an amazing part of himself with me, (and I wasn't talking about his cock). I was in on his merman secret, he wouldn't just run off and abandon me now that we had sex.

He certainly made all the right noises as he dressed in a hurry. "I don't want to go, I want to spend all day with you, all night... But someone was sniffing around our ship, dad thinks nothing is stolen but I need to check to make sure."

Placing a knee on the bunk he leaned in and cupped my face, "My beautiful Siren, please let me come back here after I'm done?" I let him kiss me, nodded my assent and as with a sigh he headed for my door, I wrapped a sheet around me and followed. Tugging him back for one last goodbye kiss.

Then he was out the door, heading back to the Undaunted. I closed my cabin door and leaned against it with a sigh. Surveying the sex rumpled bed and the mess of my clothing still on the floor. What a day... I hoped everything was alright and that he'd be back quickly.

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