The guy from the staircase???

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~Scaramouche pov~
"Hmm?" I hummed as i felt the rays of sunlight invade my eyes. " Gaahh, wtf???"

I sit up and take a look at my surroundings, i was in my room,on my bed,and the goddamn sun woke me up from my beauty sleep. "Ughhhhhhh" i pull the covers over my head as i groan

Then i realized..."FUCK ITS FUCKING MONDAY-" it was my first day of college so i look at the clock in a panic "AND IM 2 HOURS LATE-"

I get ready faster than my moms lightning and dash out my dorm forgetting the slow ass elevator and taking the stairs instead, i end bumping into someone and quickly apologize before sprinting again.

A few minutes later scara makes it to his college

I catches my breath before i enter the gates and i immediately sprints again to reach my class, sure enough i was extremely late and was scolded by my teacher and got a week of detention 'stupid teacher' A.N no offense to actual teachers- it was just for the story,

I sit down in a free seat and low and behold 'hm?- is that- the guy i saw on the stairs???' He was surrounded by women and getting asked for a picture or autograph- what?????

As i was utterly confused on what i was witnessing i spot three more people come in and almost all the women in the class including the teacher go wild, WILD I TELL YOU, heck i thought my ears were bleeding from each side- fortunately they werent tho-

As i was covering my entire head with my bag i hear someone sit beside me and oh- 'IT'S THE GUY FROM THE STAIRS, WHAT HAVE I DONE TO GET THIS PUNISHMENT?!'

I hear screams and feel glaring daggers as the other three men follow and sit a few rows behind him.

And since he was sitting at the very end of the row, it also means i was the only one technically next to him 'WTFFF, WHY ARE ALL THE GIRLS STARING AT ME????- OH MY GAWD I THINK I SEE THE POPULAR BARBIE DOLL GLARING AT ME TOO- SAVE MEEEEEEEE'

"Hello" i mustered up the courage and waved at him and it also let take a better look at him, he had white hair with a streak of red, his eyes had a nice crimson glow, aaaaand he ignored me :'). 'Hmph rude. He could've atleast waved back'

As the hours that felt like lightyears passby i notice that he seemed familiar- not from the stairs but from somewhere else- i just couldn't put my finger to it- "scaramouche, what is the answer to *insert math equation*" 'FUCK I WASNT LISTENING AT ALL-'

"U-uhh- i- uhm-..." I stutter as i internally panic "haah- make sure to listen to my lectures or else you wont be able to find a good job now sit" i do as she says as a wave of embarrasment comes over me and i cover my face not wanting to see anyone else. She starts to continue talking and someone taps my shoulder, i take a look and it was the dude from the stairs again, "hm?-" "it was 518" he suddenly whispered to me as i get confused to what he means, he points to board and says "the answer" i understand what he means and say thanks, he gives an emotionless look at me and starts paying attention to the board again. 'Well that was weird-'

After soooooo long the day finally ended as a skipped out of the gate and yelled in my head the word "FREEDOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!" Then i see the guy again, and overhear the girls surrounding him say "kazuha" or smth, i assume thats his name.

He spots me and walks towards me, ofcourse me being an idiot i stayed absolutely still from pure fear of the girls death stares "hey its you again, the one too dumb to answer a simple question" "A- EXCUSE YOU- YOU DONT HAVE TO BRING IT UP TO MY FACE!"

I see shock in his eyes and gasps from my surroundings, i angrily stomped away while i glared at his smirking face

I flop on to my bed and scroll through tevatok 'hmm- wha?-' i see the guy from the stairs on my phone screen with the other three guys who came with him and- OH GOD- THEY HAVE MORE THAN 5 MILLION LIKES ON EACH VIDEO- apparently they're a teyvatok celeb group called 4nemo- i start to regret yelling at him but i also remembered that he cant really do anything so i just left it alone-

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