*very nice chap name*

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Kazuha pov

I fainted and woke up a while later, Xiao and Heizou were chatting while Toru was sitting on a chair nervously. I sat up and Heizou immediately walked up to me before saying, "Kazuha, do you have any clue on where Scara or Aether mght be?" I shook my head and we suddenly heard a phone ring. it was Xiao's phone, he answered and asked "who is this?" he silently listened to the caller and nodded before hanging up, "who was it?-" before Heizou could finisg, Xiao cut him off and asked "where's the closest mcdonalds?"

-a while later-

we all sat around a table camly, Xiao didn't explain why we had to go to mcdonalds at all yet. after around 20 minutes, Zhongli and a purple braided woman appeared. "Xiao, this is Sho. I'm sure you know the rest" the two sat down and we began chatting. "Xiao,why're they here?" Toru asked and Sho spoke. "where is my idiot older brother and what happened?" "he's missing. Do you have any clue on where he is?"

As the two talked the rest of us chatted with mister Zhongli, "ah I see, Scaramouche and Aether have been kidnapped?" He asked and the three of us nodded. A while later, we all sat down as Sho typed on her phone, not even one minute after that after she looked back up at us and said "found Scara, but I can't pinpoint his exact location right now. He was last seen in Scaras dorm with Akio about 8 hours ago with Aether."

Scaramouche pov

"Ugh..it smells like death in here.." A rat died in the basement I was in and it was rotting meaning the smell in the basement was close to unbearable. Akio hadn't visited in what felt like a few days, I was dying from hunger and thirst as I constantly checked if Aether was going to wake up at all. unlike the rat, he didn't seem like he was being eaten by maggots which meant he was probably alive. I waited for an eternity before I heard the basement door unlock, Akio walked down with a gas mask on his face.

He untied Aether and brought him upstairs, I tried to call out to him but I barely had any energy to even stay concious. My mouth opened but no sound came out, I could feel myself getting dizzy as my eyes slowly closed despite my attempts to keep them open. He came down again and untied me before pulling me upstairs by my hair. I couldn't move properly so I just acted as a ragdoll for him until he threw me onto the familiar couch.

He grabbed a bowl of probably soup and fed it Aether carefully to not wake him up. He then turned to me and put a spoonfull of soup near my mouth, I had to eat it obediently if I didn't want to die. He then put the dishes in the sink before bending down to grab cleaning supplies from under it. He walked down to the basement and I watched him disappear from my view.

"Author..?" I whispered softly and the tv suddenly turned on, a person slowly climbed out of the tv but it definitely wasn't Author. "Noi?" I asked and they nodded, "things went off track, today is the fourth day you've been here but we'll have you stay a bit longer." He poked my forhead and I had suddenly regained my energy. "Don't make too much of a fuss." Suddenly the tv flickered and Noi quickly ran back, before they climbed inside she turned to me and said, "don't worry, there's no way you'll die. she won't kill the favorites." Then they climbed in and the tv turned off.

I, ofcourse, was completely dumbfounded. I stood up and walked over to Aether. He still had a pulse which was good. I turned to the basement entrance, the door was left wide open. I was about to walk to it before Akios footsteps were heard climbing up from it and I ran back to the couch. I sat down and turned to him as if I didn't move and he took off the gas mask, he held the dead rat by the tail and walked put of the house to throw it away, when he came back inside he looked at me with an emotionless expression before walking to Aether and bringing him upstairs.

I didn't hear anything seemingly bad as I waited for him to come down. He came down with a chain attached to a heavy looking dumbell and I already knew what he was doing. I stared quietly as he attatched the chain to my foot, he looked up at me and said "if you try running away, your little friend up there won't be looking so pretty." He then handed me the remote and walked upstairs.

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