murder him.

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kazuha pov

'i know i was only gone for a day but..does akio really have to sit there?' <-kazujellys thoughts i looked over to akio who was on the opposite side of scara from me,he was explaining a math equation to him but theres a small problem "akio,this is history class not math" scara turned to look at me and nagged me a bit while i just glared at akio and he smiled back.

suddenly childe came in and said "oh mr.zhongli!! its lunch time! oh you're still teaching?" "ah childe,i just finished. please wait for me outside" childe nodded and walked outside,zhongli turned to us and said "well everyone,have a good lunch" he then walked over to the door to eat with our p.e teacher. they're the first couple within our school staff that announced they are in a relationship,im very happy for them but i have other matters.

i turn to scara and ask "hey scara,wanna head to a milk tea shop after we eat?" he looked at me then nodded happily. we exited the class quickly and i purposefully left akio behind, we both walked to the nearest boba store and bought some boba,

scaramouche pov

"i want that one" i pointed at a bitter kind of flavor and kazuha nodded happily as he old our orders to the seller,we both sat down and talked about random things while waiting for our drinks,they eventually came and we walked back to our dorms since it was getting a bit late.

"goodnight kazu" i said and he nodded before turning around and said "goodnight to you to scara" and then left for the elevator.

i closed the door and slumped on the couch while trying to forget i have homework.

kazuha pov

i waited for the elevator but when it came i saw the one person i didnt want to see at all, "akio? what are you doing here?" he laughed and said "relax,i live on this floor,room 608 actually" scara lives in room 609,just great,i sighed and walked into the elevator while he walked out,i pressed a button to head to my floor and glared at his back as the doors closed.

once i got to my dorm i sat on my bed and texted in the gc, 'what do you all think of akio?" i asked,venti replied quick as usual and said 'i don't know,why?? you jealous that hes stealing scara?~' 'haha very funny' 'no but seriously,that guy is weird. weirder than xiao wearing a pink bow on his hair',venti isn't usually serious but he seemed like he was serious enough.

'k,night' 'u too kazuha,dont kill akio if he hasnt made a move' i sighed and closed the phone,suddenly someone knocked on my door,i went to check and was surprised to find heizou with a serious look on his face. "are you alright heizou?" he nodded and said "i went around askingg and found out suzuki akio has a bit of history with something im sure you're very familiar with." i let him inside without a second thought and we sat down on the couch.

"so,what'd you find?" i asked with anticipation,"lets see.." he pulled out an average sized notepad and said "toru mimuji says 'he was my highschool classmate,you really shoudnt be near him because im pretty sure he's one of those obsessed stalkers,he woudnt leave me alone back in highschool at all! he would either watch me or take random photos of me,and on our graduation he freakin confessed while knowing very well that i had a boyfriend! can you believe it??' she's one of his past obsessions" photos? so that time he asked for a group photo..

"anyone else heizou?" he nodded and flipped a page, "azeru tatta said 'he's an old friend from kindergarten,havent seen him in years but i will never ever forget how obsessed he was with some of the girls in our class,he always talked about momo endlessly about how beautiful and skinny she was.'" heizou glanced at me and said "theres one more person that i managed to find info from,but it isn't good so you might get a little-" "just please tell me what they said heizou." he nodded and flipped the page again.

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