this family is truly strange

463 13 52

third pov

as the small boy scribbled on the sheet of paper, a small sound came from outside of his confinement room was heard. the small boy turned to the sound in curiosity and waited for something to happen, but when nothing happened he just continued to scribble and draw on the paper. but mere minutes later, the very same sound was heard from outside the door, the puppet became annoyed and weakly stood up to see the noise's source, he bent down and looked through the small gap on the bottom of the door but coudn't find anything unusual with it. confused, he carefully stood up and slowly walked back to his corner and layed down, he decided 'maybe I'm just tired' and went to sleep.

the boy slept deeply, not knowing he was being watched by the doctor. without the small puppet knowing, the doctor had secretly been extracting the small amount of magic that had stuck to his soul by letting it grow over the years before he slowly started taking it away. this resulted in the puppet having both physical and mental fatigue and becoming to weak to even walk like a normal ceature

-hours later-

the puppet woke up but immediately felt a sharp pain rise in his body, he held his chest tightly and looked around the room and tried to get a hold of his surroundings, suddenly the door of his room opened and Dottore appeared with an average-sized box in his hands, "are you alright Scaramouche?" he asked, Scara just nodded and looked at the box that the doctor was holding. "here, how about you open it?" Dottore said as he placed the box infront of the puppet. the boy became too curious and ended up opening the box, unexpectedly a small frail creature laid tiredly in the box, its body skinny and dirty. The puppet looked at the doctor in confusion, "this is a test, and this creature is called a cat. make sure it stays alive until further notice" he then stood up and left the clueless puppet to care for the weak kitten alone in the empty white room. the puppet carefully scooped the frail kitten with his hands and looked around for something to give it. he found a leftover piece of bread he had half-eaten earlier and decided to feed the cat with it.

after a few hours of playing with the cat the puppet grew to like it and the cat returned the feeling. To the puppet it felt like a new friend, a new family member to add to his colorful family portrait that laid untouched on the floor. He crawled over to his favorite drawing and scribbled a little blob on it, it was supposedly the cat. The cat walked over to him and meowed at his drawing. Knowing he could not speak, he pointed at the blob and then to the cat gesturing 'this is you' to the small creature. He pet the cat softly and the cat purred in his hand.

-a few days later-

"Scaramouche, would you like to join me on another meeting for a deal like that Kazumi man?" Pantalone asked the small puppet that played with his little white-furred friend. The boy picked up the cat and put on a mask that fully-covered his face as he got onto the electro fatuis shoulder and then they left for the meeting place.

once they reached the meeting place they were greeted by a suspicious man who went by the name 'Alzai', Pantalone sat on the chair provided for him and Scaramouche sat on his lap with the cat on his own. "did'ya have to bring a kid?" Alzai asked, "he's like a pretend son to me, how could I not?", not long after the adults started to talk about the deal, the puppet boy felt that Alzai coudn't be trusted. After a few mere minutes the fatui subordinates went unconscious and Pantalone became more cautious of Alzai. "what is happening?" The rich fatui asked, Alzai laughed like a maniac and said with a sadistic smile creeped on his face "if you didn't know, a dead harbinger sells for quite alot in the market. Especially two dead harbingers!", Pantalone stood up and held Scara tightly to his chest.

Alzai revealed a knife and attempted to stab Pantalone, the harbinger dodged the multiple knife attacks while trying to keep the puppet and his cat safe from as much harm as possible.

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