Servant of the harbingers

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Aether pov

I woke up in a pure white room,when I took a closer look I realized that the room had shite foam squares to prevent me from hurting myself. I tried to stand up but a chain attatched from the wall to my ankle was stopping me. I sigh and collect my thoughts calmly... "XI MEI!-" I gasped and tugged at the chain harshly, suddenly a voice echoed throught the room "do not worry, your daughter is safe but not here." I immediately recognized that sly voice and yelled, "DOTTORE! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY DAUGHTER?!?!" He laughed sinisterly and said "don't worry, you'll get front row seats to what'll happen to her.."

A cold chill went down my spine and I looked to the ground, "you..seriously need to go to a doctor.." I muttered. Suddenly some snake-like tubes attatched themselves to my body, i could feel it inject something into my back slowly. "Ack!.." I flinched at the feeling.

Dottore opened the door holding a small box with a switch ontop "Oh silly little Aether..I am doctor. If I can erase Scaramouches memories, then i can also change yours." He flipped the switch and Suddenly my entire body hurt and I screamed in agony, Dottore laughed at my pain and shut the door, leaving me in the room until i coudn't handle the pain anymore and passed out..

Third pov

The blonde one woke up on a chair, his clothes had changed to elegant black and blue ones(the pic on the top is what he looks like rn-), he looked up and saw a light-blue haired man with a mask. Dottore asked him, "answer, who am I?" , The blonde one answered in a cold monotone voice, "Il Dottore, 2nd in rank of the 10 harbingers.". Dottore smiled in satisfaction and asked, "and you are?" , the blonde one stood up and knelt on one knee with his hand to his chest, "I am Sora, servant to the 10 harbingers.", (for any rereaders, I changed the name) Dottore grinned widely and said "stay in this room and do as you please until further notice" he then left the room and left the new blonde servant alone.
"How do you like our new servant, Pantalone? Since he has a brain, you won't treat him like a child will you?" Dottore asked and Pantalone looked at him with a face that said 'i'm so done with you', "I did capture him but that doesn't mean you can do the same thing as what you did to Scara!" Pantalone said looking at Dottore with disappointment, "i didn't do the same thing as what i did to Scara, just the same process is all", Pantalone sighed "honestly, I understood why you took Scaras memories but why change his? He has a daughter Dottore, a DAUGHTER", Dottore looked at him indifferent and said "he won't have a daughter anymore very very soon..I don't mind if I sleep in a ditch for this, I'm just having  fun", Pantalone scoffed and looked at the corner of the small room, Xi Mei resided in a small cradle and was sleeping peacefully, a perfect clone of Aether resided beside her.

"That clone.." Before Pantalone could finish Dottore interrupted, "it's a fake Aether to keep her quiet, aslong as she sees the face of her papa she will shut up. She also contains some of the most important information inside that pretty little head of hers..", Pantalone looked at him "is that a you..?" He asked, Dottore smiled sinisterly,

" me.."...
-a few weeks later-

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T FIND HIM?!" Xiao said in a rage as he slammed his hand on the receptionists table, "I-I am truly sorry sir but we have to call off the search-" "BULLSHIT! I KNOW AETHER ISN'T DEAD, YOUR STUPID DETECTIVES ARE JUST NOT LOOKING HARD ENOUGH!!!" Xiao was clearly stressed and hadn't slept in a long time, he was really desperate to find Aether and Xi Mei.

"Sir, i'll have to ask you to leave." Some security guards came in and kicked him out. Xiao grumbled under his breath and drove back home in his car, once he got home he grabbed a few bottles of alchohol from the cupboard and sat on the couch, papers and files that were legally provided by Heizou layed on the floor either stacked or messy. He opened a bottle and didn't even waste a second to chug it down, he exhaled once he finished and looked at the paper-filled floor. He turned around and looked at the large amount of papers pinned to a map on the wall, all of them had strings of colors but none were red, Childe had already told him all the locations of any fatui involvement but none of them had Aether or Xi Mei in them.

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