chapter 1

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Tw- mentions of self-harm

Pov y/n

The streets, a place people visit every day. some wakeup in it, while others spend their last moments of life on it. Drugs, sex, guns, all things you can buy off the street, all things people think they need. I walk down the street every now and then, no clear reason why, I never have a destination in mind nor money I'm willing to waste on bunk drugs sold by sketchy dealers just looking for a quick buck.

It can be hard to blend in sometimes, the scar running across my nose doesn't help with that. Where I come from the last thing you want is to blend in, my family never understood me in that sense. Being the heir to the Lucchesi family fortune and business doesn't make that any easier, my whole life I've been taught to stand out and know my worth so when the time comes that I need to blend in and look plain, I get conflicted.

Today was one of those days I wanted to blend in, I was stalking Saya and as creepy as that sounds, I have a good reason, she was being secretive and I was bored. I did all my homework, even wrote a congratulations card to my cousin who just recently got engaged. I followed her for a good twelve blocks till I noticed she came to a halt, looking at where she was positioned, I pinpointed her line of sight and hid in the shadows, looking as to where she was looking. We were looking under a bridge, a dirty bridge filled with dirty hobos, unwashed, hungry drug addicts and alcoholics that got lost in numbing themselves. There were a few unmoving bodies lying on the ground in the campsite, about four of them, three where people simply just sleeping, trying to enjoy the little happiness they can get in this nasty place. The last one had a screwdriver lodged in its stomach, rusty and dirty, clearly used before and not washed in-between.

A man started shouting something as a new person entered grounds,

"Aye there Marcus, what have yer got for me today?" the man grabbed the bag the person was carrying and rummaged through it. I ignored the man and looked at who he was robbing, a boy, young, dirty, sporting a dirty blue puff jacket. Curly brown hair that was greasy and needed a good wash. I took a better look at his face; he was fairly handsome. Strong, sharp jawline, so sharp the depressed side of me wondered if I could carve up my thighs with it. I didn't hear anything the boy said, I was too focused on his eyes. To say we made eye contact was an understatement, I felt like I could see his entire life in those eyes, beautiful. I realised he might have noticed me so I slipped into the shadows some more.

I decided to leave soon after that, I don't like seeing people so unfortunate, makes me feel guilty for being born into a wealthy family. Of course, Nonno preached regularly that our family was once so poor we couldn't even afford to be alive, building our way up using tears, sweat and blood. Before fully leaving I take one last good look at this Marcus, trying to scar his image into my brain. After I was content with my creepy staring I left, wondering the twelve blocks back to king's dominion.

Returning to my dorm I try remembering him, thinking about why Saya was staking him. I didn't think she was interested in boys, she seemed too busy being master Lin model student as well as putting the rest of us to shame. Time flies when you're coming up with conspiracy theories, I barely noticed the knock at my door. opening it, I found the exact person I was conspiring about, Saya stood Infront of me, blank yet stern eyes bearing into my own.

"Hey Saya, bit late out. How can I help you?" I didn't worry about being formal with her.

"I noticed you following me, why?" she answered, face not moving, no emotions present.

"Well, you were acting a little sketch and I was bored as hell. If I may ask what where you doing watching that homeless kid Marcus?" feeling cheeky as always.

"None of your business y/n" stern as always.

"Come on I already know his name, as well as what he looks like and where he's located. I could verry easily mess up your whole plan". She glared at me, I started thinking maybe I poked the dragon too much and was about to receive the flames that come with it. alas all I got was a sigh indicating she's giving into mt bluff.

"*sigh* he's the boys home killer, master Lin wants him to join king's dominion"

"Why thank you I shall rest well tonight knowing that we have this little bond forming between us, goodnight miss katana" and with that I closed the door in her face. I didn't know if the whole katana thing was a bit racist but she dose carry that long sword around with her everywhere she goes, quite beautiful actually. Reminds me of me and my golden daggers I got from my father.

I had gotten my information and I was now ready for bed. After getting ready I got under my sheets, feeling the soft fabric made and put together by Mia Nonna. A lot of my sheets and pillow cases where either made or embroidered by my extended family, cousins, aunties and my grandmother (Nonna). Snuggling into my bed, head hitting the pillow, eye closing, I began to fall into a peaceful state, then black.  

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