chapter 43

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The ride was fairly interesting, 90% of the people in the car were high and the only sober one was chain smoking like a mother fucker. Everyone else was off doing their own little things, hyped up on brain melting drugs. Again, thank fuck I only had half, I had the rest of the bottles but I think I'm gonna save them for the ride back, something still feels off.

"Hey Marcus," I pipe up, staring at the boy as his hand played with the top of my dress, gracing his fingers ever so lightly across the top of my breasts. "How are you feeling honey?" my voice still remained sweet, remaining patient as I deal with this grown toddler.

"They're so soft" is all he lets out, he's still off in his own world. His head is still on my tit, arm also still around my waist. If I wasn't still slightly high, these actions would have caused butterflies to burst out of my stomach and my cheeks to burn my face. but luckily for me I was in protective mother mode, and slightly high.

"You know y/n, if I didn't know any better" I hear billy yell from the driver's seat. "I'd say you've got a little submissive bitch sucking on your boob."

"Well good thing you do know better" replying with a slight laugh, I reach up and stoke Marcus's head, him smuggling into my boob even more.

"Hey," billy starts up yet again, "you think when we get to the hotel, I'll be able to try out the 5-star chesticles?"

"NO!" Marcus yells, toddler mode still in full swing. "These are mine!"

"Oh, are they now?" I question.

"Hell nah!" willie suddenly yells from next to me. "Keep hyping up those titties, you better let me have a go." Without a second thought Marcus reaches over and grabs the back of willie's head, shoving it into my other tit.... Ok, this is slightly un-comfy.

"Say what you want about boobs," Saya suddenly pipes in. "my thing will forever be thighs" pulling apart my legs, Saya decides to insert herself between my legs, reclasping my legs around her as her head rests on my inner thigh.

I just freeze... huh... weird... I don't feel any PTSD symptoms, no panic attacks, no anxiety, nothing. Could it be because I'm on drugs? Maybe... honestly, I feel fairly comfortable with these people, as far as I'm aware they wouldn't hurt me. I actually feel safe. Saya being between my legs isn't causing any fear, neither is willie with his head on my tit. If anything, I feel obliged to keep them there.

You know how with certain animals the mother has a pouch to protect their baby, or how the baby just clings onto them. this is kinda what that feels like. I'm just protecting my family; weird I know but it's the only way I can sort of describe it. its sort of nice, in a more maternal way.

After a fair while of being a human pillow, willie spoke up, not lifting his head at all. "Man, your right. This breast is the best."

I just laugh at him, as stupid as it was it was comforting. It felt nice having these people so close to me, they where my friends and it felt nice to be included in such a wholesome moment. We all stayed like this for a good long while, stupid little drug filled conversations happening here and there. Laughing, mind blowing realisations, cute little moments of cuteness. It made me forget all about the photo album... oh right, the photo album.

"Hey billy?" I question, gaining the attention of our driver.

"Yes, missy moo?" his response making me smile ever so slightly.

"Can you pull over? I have something I need to do." Before I could even get an answer from him, Saya picked her head up, staring at me with wide eyes.

"Do you gotta pee?" she asks, looking like a frightened toddler.

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