chapter 16

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"Blowguns were used by the jungle people of Nicaragua for thousands of years." Miss De Luca spoke. "Till the soviets gave them janky Kalashnikovs. To use one, you must be centered with total focus." Listening to this speech made me bored, I was already skilled in the art of blow guns. Father thought it would be a useful skill to have. This blow dart workshop was more of a refresher for me.. "Well, let's see what you've got."

we step forwards in our respected lines, each being given a chance to shoot their dart at a target effectively. Saya went first, perfect as always. Next was Marcus, I watched closely as he put the pole to his mouth, failing miserably at the task of course. I stepped forwards a little after him, expertly putting the pole to my lips and lining up my target. A perfect shot, unsurprisingly. I didn't waste my time after that, I went straight to the back of the line. A figure in the corner of my eye caught my attention, it was Marcus. He looked stunned, the little effort that I put into the shot must have been a surprise. I turned my head back to the front just as I felt my cheeks begin to heat up. Not the best Idea. My eyes were met with a very flirtatious Viktor, leading a very confused Petra's hands around the bamboo. I just stared in shock, a bad feeling beginning to bubble up in my stomach. I don't trust that soviet snob.

I zoned out after that, I did what I had to do and now I await my next turn. Just as I reached the front of the line the bell went, instead of making my way to Petra to see what was up, I went to Viktor.

"Hey, white Russian" I aggressively say one I reach him.

"No just water for me." He replies smugly, not even having the decency to look at me.

"wasn't taking your fucking drink order pal" he turned to me after that.

"Ahh, y/n. what can Viktor do for you?"

"What are your plans with Petra?" I stand there, my face dangerously bare.

"Why? Is y/n jealous and want ride as well?" a seductive look made its way on his face; disgust made its way on mine.

"I know you and brandy have it "sweet" for each other, your better at hiding it than she is." I say, his cheeks going red at my comment. "Either of you hurt Petra, I will polish my daggers with your blood."

"Oh, you is turning soft y/n." he comments.

"Unlike you in the showers" I walk off, not bothering to turn around. While he and brandy have some little thing going on, there is something he's hiding. And I think I know what it is.

Poison lab

"What you're cooking today is a desterly syrup I call mellow yellow." Mr Denke began "one drop and your overcome with primal hallucinations and terrible anguish."

"Sounds a lot like a night with Petra, isn't that right Vik?" some vato said, turning his head towards Viktor, who, didn't seem at all pleased to have this spotlight on him.

"Did not know chico's lapdog was allowed to speak." Viktor commented back. I held back my giggles at this. Even though I hate Viktor, that was a good comeback. Yet again I was sat next to Petra, we like to partner up on these things. Mr Denke came over to our table, giving Petra an approving look and smile, Petra smiling proudly back. I looked at them both, its cute to see these two, almost like a father daughter relationship. It was a cute moment, but was soon ruined by a certain blond-haired bimbo landing her elbow on our table.

"Never would of put you and Vik in the same picnic basket." Brandy comments, its obvious she's jealous, its evident in her tone of voice. Not to mention how tightly she was balling her fist. "How did you convince that hunk to get you in?" her knuckles cracked, oh yeah, this bitch is jealous.

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