chapter 25

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Morning, supposedly the most peaceful time of the day. Well, it didn't start like that for me, It never dose. My morning started with me waking up from a nightmare, at 530 am. I woke up sweating, eyes wet from tears I didn't know I was producing. Of course, this is a semi regular occurrence, so I'm not that fazed by it. I begin with my usual "just had a nightmare" morning routine. I begin with grabbing the shit I need. Towel, soap, hair ties, robe, deodorant, daggers, its shower time bitches. Walking down the empty hallways, I make my way to the showers. Of course, I try to distract myself from thinking about my nightmare so I hum a little song while I'm at it.

I do my routine, swift and quick. Polishing my black Dimond belly button jewellery piece before finally getting out of the shower. I dry myself off and put my robe on. What kinda robe is it? this is the kind of robe a woman wears when she's just killed her rich husband, silk black with black fluffy trims. I made my way back to my room, putting the shit away. Yes, I know this probably sounds boring at the moments but it will get better. I pick out an outfit for the day, no school so I can go crazy if I really wish.

My outfit didn't really require much effort. A simple black and white, pelted, buckled shirt. low raised to show off my piercing. And for a shirt, a cropped kiss shirt, slightly tight. Did the outfit show off my body? Yes. As usual I added my daggers, thigh holsters of course. my jewellery was made up of the usual, black pentacle choker and reverse cross earrings. But I added a few rings and bracelets because my arms and hands were looking a little bare. Makeup was the same as well, nothing special about my face today. Once I was done, I looked at myself in the mirror, ok I can work with this. Simple black heeled boots, and a Walkman because I need music right now.

After putting my shoes at the door, I walk to my bed, placing the headphones on my head before relaxing to some tunes. Sadly, this was quickly interrupted by two monks bursting their way into my room.

"Um.... hi?" the monks stay silent, moving aside to display my doorway. Oh fuck, I'm in trouble. I sigh, getting up from my bed, leaving the Walkman of course. The walk was quiet, and to be honest a little scary. I wasn't in control of the situation and that lack of control made me panic, but I kept my cool. We walked past a few students; we all kept the same composure. No fear, no sadness, no emotions. Soon enough we reach the destination, looks like a library. I'll be honest I didn't pay attention at all as to where we were going to, this is a surprise? The books in this place where all dusty and had cobwebs all over them, all seemed to be hard covers too. Looks ancient.

Once in the room I notice I'm the first one here, nice. I look around the room before taking a seat in the second row, left. I zone out, thinking about what my parents are going to do to me when they find out. One by one students pile in. Viktor, chico, Saya and soon enough Petra, oh yeah that hippy kid too. Petra immediately sits next to me, laying her head on her arms. A few more minutes go by and I hear the door open again, Marcus. He's shoved into the room by the monks, and omfg is he really carrying his fucking journal?

I watch him as he moves to the desk Infront of Viktor, first row on the left. Saya sat Infront of Petra and I so guess he wanted to keep his distance.

"What is this?" he asked. No one in the room answered so Petra decided to explain.

"Prolonged confinement designed for behavioral rectification." I roll my eyes at her answer. Looking towards the confused outcast before deciding to make it easier for him.

"detention" I state, voice monotone and body language just as cold. He smiles at me though which causes my façade to drop for a split second as I send a smile back. I look towards Saya after that, admiring her blade. Marcus seems to do the same thing, or just looked at her.

"What did you do?" Marcus questions. Saya just sends him a nasty glare, has she not told him that he's her pledge? The room goes silent for a while, all of us doing our own thing. I look over at Petra to see she's looking at me with a cheeky smile. I raise an eyebrow at her, she simply winks. Moving to the side she grabs a soda can that is for some reason on our table, she picks it up before shoving it towards Viktor. Ohh, I see what she's doing.

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