chapter 26

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A little more time had passed since my interaction with Marcus, and I decided to pass the time by humming the songs in my head while walking around this dusty room. At this point in time the song is "diamonds are a girl's best friend" by Marylin Monroe, a classic if you ask me. As usual everyone went off and did their own thing, the only two I actually noticed in my dissociated state was Saya and Viktor. Saya was on top of a bookshelf while Viktor was doing push ups on the edges of two tables, one of which being Marcus's table.

I've walked around this entire room about five times, well I stopped counting at five. Just as I reach Marcus's desk, I decide to stop this maddening activity. Rather than sitting on a chair or the table or anything normal, I collapse on the floor right next to his seat.

"Are You ok?" Marcus asked while flicking a paper triangle, eyes focused on the paper.

"Hm?" I respond lazily, right cheek squished against the cold wooded floors.

"You collapsed" his eyes focused on another paper triangle.

"It was a controlled collapse." I state, lazily rolling over to stare at the ceiling. A slight moment passes before my once silent brain was filled again with noise.

"Hey, Vik." I hear Marcus start. "You got the time?" I sit up at this, looking over towards the Russian scum bag, noticing two fucking watches on one arm. Ok?

"Very funny, Nancy boy." Viktor gets out while doing one more push up before resting his feet back on the ground.

"Nah, I don't get it" I state while leaning my chin on the desk, looking straight at Viktor. Of course, Viktor puts on a smug face before lifting his arm to display his wrist, flexing his biceps in the process.

"Its swatch" he explains in his thick accent. "Top American style."

"that's smart" I comment, looking towards Marcus in a mocking manner.

"Yeah, in case you break the other two" he agrees, looking at Viktor before turning to me, bursting out into giggles once our eyes met. This moment didn't last long, chico decided to act all alpha male on us. Standing up and violently pushing his chair back, causing a great bang that woke up that kid I can never remember the name of.

"Fuck Lin and his trojan bullshit" he's angry as fuck. I turn to Marcus, voice at a whisper.

"wasn't it spartan?" I question. he looks at me, confusion evident on his face.

"I think it's the same thing" he whispers back. I make a "hmm" face in return, turning my attention back to chico directly after.

"Once I get what I want from this joint, I'm gonna stick a machete up his ass."

"Now he pipes up." Marcus adds, leaning back slightly in his chair to look at the raging Latino." Forty-five minutes after he left."

"It's only been forty-five minutes?" I've never experienced such a slow movement of time. Maybe I'm going crazy?

"you're the one I should be carving up, Arguello" chico says while aggressively pointing towards us. I laugh before getting up and moving over to Petra, sitting on her table "this little whore too" he points towards me, causing me to raise an eyebrow in offence. "Your queef-y dart bullshit got us thrown in here, yeah?" Marcus just looks right past him towards me and Petra.

"You think "the queefy dart" was faster than the flash?" he asked. I didn't even think before responding with a smile.

"No, but he could out-queef superman for sure." After this little mockery chico did the most grown-up thing ever and just started flipping us off in the most theatrical way possible. "Real mature chico, did your secret boyfriend teach you that move?" chico glares at me, continuing with his return to the inked-up table.

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