chapter 22

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Walking through the hallways, people staring as usual. They all saw how I was with chico, the rage in my eyes. God how I hate them all, legacies. Smug cunts, looking down on those less fortunate. Looking down on people like lex, billy, Petra and Marcus. Hazing them because of their status in this stupid school. Sadly because of my association, I'm seen as a rat too and therefor hazed alongside them. no one would dare single me out, look at them, their all scared of me. They know I would hurt them if they ever tried.

I continue walking down the hallway, my finishing point, Marcus's room. I wanted to check on him and finally give him his jacket back, he gave me my book so it's only fair. I continue to see stares while walking, people watching my every move. I walk past a big group of people all huddled by a locker, didn't bother to see which group it was. All I know is that they stunk like a bitch.

"Hola Chica" oh fuck me, the exact voice I didn't want to hear today. Had to be the fucking soto vatos.

"Vaffanculo chico" (fuck off chico) I spat, not stopping at all. But to my fucking delight he decided to follow me, walking just behind me.

"You know, the Soto vatos could really use someone like you" chico stated, voice smug as ever.

"No, the Soto Vatos could really use some deodorant" I don't look at him, I just keep walking. Gripping onto Marcus's jacket, trying to contain my irritation. "Besides, I'm Italian."

"doesn't matter, we need someone who gets information the way you do. Body and all."

"Get aids and die" probably not my best choice of words. he grabbed me by my neck and pinned me against a locker hard, clearly trying to project dominance. Just like he did to maria. My body made a loud thud as it made contact with the wooden doors. Causing people to look in our direction.

"Think about it" he begins, "you join us, no more hazing, No more jobs. you'll be treated like royalty, won't need to associate with people beneath you." his voice and face conveying more smugness than I thought was possible. People beneath me?! Those people are more genuine that anyone in this entire school. At this moment my emotions snapped. I felt threatened and offended in more ways than one. I'm still sensitive from my recent panic attack, because of this my defense is up and it goes down for no one.

"How dare you lay your filthy hands on me" I spit through gritted teeth. "I am not maria, I am not a pretty punching bag." He seemed shocked at my comment. Imminently I dropped everything in my hands, books, jacket and all. "How dare you even think you can handle a woman as such," kneeing him in the stomach, he lets go of my neck allowing me to switch our positions. Grabbing out a dagger, holding it ready, pressing him hard against the locker. The feeling of his pulse under my hand holding me back from killing him. "As someone raised in the same business, I thought you would be aware of the first basic rule. Know your opposition"

"Oh, I know you alright" smug expression still on his face.

"Oh, you do, do you?" I question smugly before dropping to a blank threatening stare. "So, you know my family takes care of those beneath us? The poor, orphans, widows etc." people began forming around us, just listening in. "you know that as the eldest daughter in my Italian family, I'm already treated like royalty." His face looking slightly scared. "You know that my family requested that I be given a job because it would help me understand what my family had to do to get where we are now." I lean in ever so slowly, direct eye contact with this sad excuse for a man "You know everyone at this school is too scared to haze me directly, only targeting me when I'm in a group. Oh, you knew that, because your too scared too." He stays silent, I can see I'm right.

"You don't know me perra" (bitch) I tighten my grip on his throat, causing him to gasp. his face slowly begins to turn blue, and I can feel his pulse slowing down ever so slightly.

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