chapter 46

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The silence was troubling, terrifying, panicking. I could feel my thumping heart in my ears along with my stomach dropping to within my pelvis. The silence only lasted five second, but boy where those the worst five seconds of my life.

I thought Marcus would have freaked the fuck out, maybe yell at me saying I'm lying. But he didn't do any of that. Marcus studied my face, a hand making its way from my waist, slowly tracing the side of my body till he reached my cheek. A look of disbelief planted on his features.

Again, without warning, the boy crashed his lips into mine. Soft, innocent, loving. His free hand resting on the small of my back, pulling us closer. butterflies erupted in my stomach, my eyes fluttering close as I melt into him. It was bliss. Sadly, the kiss didn't last long, slowly, the boy I seem to love pulled away. His eyes still studying my face, a smile planted on those troublesome lips.

"It is you." he says softly, his thumb rubbing circles on my cheek. "You look beautiful tonight y/n" for just a second, the boy seemed completely sober. His whole face lighting up at just the mere sight of you.

"Thank you." I respond bashfully, leaning my cheek into his hand. I watch his face, frozen in place yet slowly moving... wait no not moving, dropping... dropping? HOLY SHIT HES FALLING!

Again, because this boy cannot fucking communicate, WITHOUT WARNING... fell to the fucking ground. He landed with a massive thud on the hard floor, the sudden sound causing a few people around us to stare. I rush to his side, worried as fuck. Luckily the acid numbed his pain receptors and he started doing snow angles on the carpet, his eyes back to the "I'm clearly on drugs" wideness. All passion and feeling we had before, vanishing within seconds.

"haaaa" he sighs, slowly looking around the room before landing on me. "I'm not the acid king."

"No sweetie," I admit, moving my hand to stroke his hair. "You're not." I smile sadly at him; I know how much he wanted to be the acid king, how bad he wanted to prove himself and be liked. I feel kinda bad for him.

"Wow, wow, wow." I hear a voice come up from behind me. "don't you look pretty y/n... what in the shit stain happened here?" the figure moved next to me, crouching Infront of Marcus. to no surprise it was billy, a shit eating grin grazing his shit eating lips.

"I'll tell you later, I'm assuming you're here because the room's ready?" my words cold and distant, my brain knowing he'll tease me about this later.

"Well, it is, but your gonna tell me now!"

"Good help me get him up." I ignore billy's demands, getting up off the ground to figure out how the fuck I'm gonna lift Marcus in these heels and tight ass fucking dress. As expected, billy didn't move a fucking muscle, he just sat there, shit eating grin still on his fucking face. "Get your ass to work, now!"

Usually, my authority would have scared this little fucker into doing whatever I needed him to. "I'm not doing anything until you tell me why I saw so many passionate kisses deary." I swear his smile could not get any wider.

"no." I state harshly, attempting to get Marcus to his feet, failing almost immediately.

"Ouchy, that hurt my head" Marcus kinda moaned in pain, continuing his snow angles on the filthy carpet. I turned my attention back to billy, seeing his smile made me relies I can't do this without him...fuck.

"Fine!" I give in, flapping my arms up in defeat, making an audible smack once they hit the sides of my thighs. Billy laughs in victory, moving closer so I can tell him without anyone else listening in. "Marcus may have confessed to me... and I may have confessed to him."

"FINALLY!" billy exclaims, his arms shooting up in victory. Unsurprisingly his little outburst caused a lot of unwanted attention, eyes looking at us from every corner of this casino.

"Jackpot!" I yelled out, in hopes of adverting the onlooker's attention back onto their gambling. "can you be any fucking louder?!" I whisper yell, an angry ass scowl on my perfect, pretty face.

"What? I'm just excited mummy and daddy are finally getting together." My face contorts in disgust, the urge to stab this disturbing excuse for a human becoming overpowering. I felt a violent shiver run down my spine at his sentence, this better be a fucking joke.

"never, call me mummy again." not matter how much I tried to keep up my intimidating mask, the disturbance I felt sept through like sun light and shitty roofing. Billys face on the, other hand, didn't change. He continued to display his proud expression, not feeling any shame in the fact he just called his two best friends mummy and daddy.... Only I can call Marcus daddy.... Ew.

"Some ones gonna bone tonight." He said leaning in. his face still excited.

"Shut up and help me take him to the room, before I fucking stab you."

Billy listened, finally grabbing Marcus by one arm while I grabbed his other one. With a little bit of team work...and an insane amount of threats... we managed to lift Marcus onto his legs and begin our journey, walking Marcus ever so carefully until a point where he decided he could walk for himself. Now I didn't trust Marcus as much, so I decided to keep a hold on him. Luckily he didn't mind and actually kept I tighter grip on my hand, my other arm gripping his upper arms in an equally tight grip.

After a few little trips, a lot of laughs from billy and Marcus finding where I've stashed my daggers on my person, we finally made it to their room. Guiding Marcus in wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, the boy seemed ready to walk off the edge of the earth, the acid beginning to affect his thoughts again.

"Mm, time is moving faster now." He begins as we walk into the room, an awful stench of shitty hotel room odour smashing us in the face almost immediately. "we wilt against the exponentially increasing current." His eyes acid wide yet again, dashing around the unfamiliar room. I guide him to the bed, rubbing his back as I sit him down.

"Its ok, Marcus." I begin, my voice seeming to sooth his ever-growing nerves. "everything's going to be ok."

Maria and Saya bounce their way into the room not long after, maria going to smoke something by the window while Saya lays at my feet.

"What if it...." Marcus tries to get out. "What if it never ends?" he looks at me, tears yet again rimming his eyes as a verry real panic adorns his face. "y/n, what if this never ends?" my heart pangs, my hands move to his face, stoking his cheeks lightly.

"don't worry bimbo, it will." He grabs my hands softly, brushing his thumbs against my soft skin. "Until then," I continue, "I'm going to take care of you."

"Relax," Saya pitches in, grabbing Marcus by his leg. "This Is who we are now." 


sup guys, just wanted to tell you i may have to change the day i post... as if its been consistant lately at all. but basically, im starting this specilised SFX course next week. its from 9am to 5pm every sunday and it takes me an hour to get there from where i live. so warning there. 

im not gonna abandon this book at all but this course is pretty intense.

this course is teaching my to make prosthetics for movie sets. legit taught by the guy that did the prosthetics for, shreck the musical, scooby doo spooky island, queen of the damned, the hobit movies, superman and others i cant rememeber. 

surprise this is the industry im in, movies, makeup and mystery. not mystery, i mean student loans. 

but this guy dose hire people from this course, (the course is a side hustle so he can find crew members) so be ready to see me in more credits! 

vote, share, comment, follow, etc. 

oki bye guys, have a good night. love you all 


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