Chapter 16: old routine, new house

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Phil's POV:

I could hear Wilbur excitedly telling Tubbo all the things he was doing with music. The school production he was about to audition for, the gig his band had booked for 2 months time, all his playlists on Spotify. It reminded me to set Tubbo and Tommy up with Spotify accounts, especially if they were going to be with us long-term. But it also reminded me that there had been no activity on Niki's account that I had continued for her. Her situation worried me, but I did my best to focus and the 2 new children I was entrusted with looking after.

And with some more carrots cut up, placed in a plastic bowl as it was the first one I found in the bowl and plate drawer, I walked back to the table. "Hey you go mate," I said, placing them down in front of Tommy. He signed thank you, I remembered it from the last time. "You're welcome mate," I placed a hand down on his head, trying to ruffle his hair a little and show him he was welcome. He flinched to the side and both hands sprung up to protect his face. Tubbo jumped from his chair opposite.

"Sorry, mate, I didn't realise. You're ok, I'm not going to hurt you." I held both hands up, and backed away a step or so from his chair.

"Tommy, come here." Tubbo was crouched a few steps away from the dinner table, practically in the kitchen. Tommy crawled over and stood behind him, arms round his neck, head buried into the back of his shoulder. "It's ok Tommy, Phil wasn't going to hurt you. He won't hurt us like Dad did. He'll give us nice things, and cook our food for us. And remember, Phil said we can all watch Doctor Who together. I know it's scary, I'm scared too. But you are doing amazing! Would you like to go eat your carrots now, or would you like to go back upstairs?"


"Okay, would you like to sit next to me?" A small nod. I stood in awe as Tubbo calmed his brother down, and got him sat back down in his seat.

"Tubbo, why don't we swap places, that way you can be sat next to him?" Kristen offered. 

"Yes thanks, uh... sorry I've forgotten your name." I took a mental note. Most kids we had didn't forget our names, no matter what had happened to them.

"That's ok, it's Kristen."

"Well, thank you Kristen." She nodded and swapped the glasses and plates around. Tubbo shuffled into the seat next to me.

"I'm so sorry Tommy, I can promise you I didn't mean it mate."

"It's fine Phil. It's not your fault. Neither Tommy or I really like hugs, only when they are from each other. But I think you remind him of Dad. I don't see it personally, you are a very different person to Dad, even the way you talk is different. But for Tommy, it seems that anyone who looks like a man, is like Dad. He just can't deal with it. I don't know, maybe this isn't really a topic for the dinner table, and Tommy can probably explain it better than I can. But please Phil, don't feel bad about it. Tommy just needs time."

 "You speak very well Tubbo."

"Thanks Techno."

"No, I'm serious. You've been through a lot, I get that, but you have found your voice so much quicker than I ever found mine."

"I guess that's what happens when you are speaking for 2 people."

"Well hopefully mate, if we can get Tommy that help you talked about, you won't be speaking for 2 much longer."

"That would be good."

The table talk fell quiet once more. Techno and Tubbo shared understanding smiles. Tommy munched loudly on his carrots. Wilbur picked food about his plate, and leant his head on my wife's shoulder. He was always a mommy's boy, but that was fine, I did not take offence to it.

Just me and him- autistic Tommy and big brother Tubbo, SBI adoption storyWhere stories live. Discover now