Chapter 69: a good day

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Phil's POV:

I woke up at 6 as I'd normally do, however, today was going to be the first day I tried doing some school work with Tommy. So today, things were going to be tough and that was okay. Wilbur had school play rehearsals, and Techno was going to be home early from school, so Kristin was going to pick up Wilbur from school, whilst Techno, Tommy and I did something fun. All my sons deserved that little something on a Friday when they had succeeded at getting on with life. It all just depended on what Techno and Tommy wanted to do.

I began sorting out breakfast for that morning, which involved cereal or toast. After looking at our cereal collection (practically a hoard at this point) in the cupboard, I found some in date cheerios that I thought Tommy might like. As long as he could have a glass of juice on the side, because he still didn't like dairy stuff. I'm not expecting him to ever 'grow out' of that.

Techno and Wilbur's alarm went off at 7 (because I told them both they didn't need to be up early now I was taking them to school most of the time, and wasn't having to go do any other school drop off's, (not like when we had kids at primary schools). I checked both of them were actually out of bed, and then went to wake Tommy up. To my surprise, I found him already awake and looking through stuff. As if he was searching for something.

"Morning mate."

"Ehhh." I got in return and I instantly knew that Tommy was going to be very verbal and talkative all day today. That was helpful considering I wanted to try and get him to do some work.

"You're all ready to go huh?" He signed something that I couldn't quite understand. Only issue was, I was trying to learn maccaton signs, but Tommy knew more than I thought. I now knew things like more, less, yes and no (which tbh Tommy didn't really sign, he just shook his head), please, thank you, food, drink, play, go along with a few others I had seen him sign before. In the end, Tommy was getting himself a little frustrated and I grabbed Techno on his way into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"Uh, it's not a really a sign, or not one that I know. Maybe it's specific to makaton?"

"Ok thanks for you help mate."

"Te! Te!" Tommy shouted for his older brother and I stood in amazement.

"What do you want you little gremlin?" Techno said endearingly. Tommy just signed the same thing again. "I can see you talking to me but I don't quite understand. Can you type it?" He handed my youngest his phone whilst I stood in shock. Since when had Tommy been able to say Techno's name (sort of) and why was that so normal for Techno. Had he heard it before?

"iPad." The phone said.

"Ohhhhh. Okay I get it now. He was signing like book and computer and sort of like just trying to show you how he holds it. He's never had one before, so Tubbo wouldn't have had to teach him the sign I suppose."

"Thanks mate. Tommy I will help you find your iPad in a second. Techno, when did he start saying your name?"

"The other day. Mum heard him, didn't she tell you?"

"No." I paused, and Techno looked at me questioningly. To cover it up, I said, "she must have just forgotten. It's great, means that his speech is actually improving."

"Yea, I'm sure he'll be saying all our names soon."

"That would be awesome wouldn't it mate?" I said, directed at Tommy. At this point, my youngest was done with the conversation and had climbed under one of the blinds in his bedroom to look out the window.

"Alright mate, you go get ready, thanks for helping." I said, now talking to Techno.

"It's okay." He said, and it was left with just Tommy and I again.

Just me and him- autistic Tommy and big brother Tubbo, SBI adoption storyWhere stories live. Discover now