Chapter 87: honest conversations

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TW- mention of suicide

Wilbur's POV:

"HAHA!" I cheered excitedly as we finished the song, "that was sick!" I put my guitar down on the stand and relaxed in the sofa.

"Have you got your Dewey costume sorted yet?" Joe asked, sitting down next to me.

"Nearly. The teachers wanted to just check a few things. And then I need to go get a guitar from the music department."

"Can you not use one of these?" Mark asked from the drum stool, pointing up at the guitars on the wall using his drumstick. I was so lucky that Mum and Dad were happy to spend so much on this music room, it was a place that meant so much to me.

"There's only one electric one, the green one on the end, and Mr Manifold said it would need a bit of work to get it ready for the show, so he told me they had a school one I could borrow instead."

"Oh okay."

"I've been practising with that one though, for the show, and it seems fine to me. Apparently, there's something wrong with the tone and volume controls that I guessed I've just never noticed. I'll just go with whatever Jack wants I guess."

"Best not to get in his way in the middle of the production. Not when all the exams are happening. Well exams are done and rehearsals are back on Tuesday, but you get what I mean!" Joe joked and I just nodded. I was feeling a little low that day, I put it down to being tired. Plus, I couldn't be sad! We were seeing Tubbo this weekend and having a picnic, it was going to be amazing!

"Shall we do another run through of it?" I asked, getting up from the sofa I had sat on not even a few minutes earlier.

"Well," Joe started and I just stared at him, "we were thinking about learning to do romance is boring. Like a full cover. It's a good one to do at gigs?" I looked at Mark and Ash who looked at me expectantly, as if the decision was only mine.

"You guys want to do it too?" They both nodded. "Then let's do it." I said with a small smile, trusting my friends that sharing this song with even more people couldn't hurt. A small part of my soul seemed to die and shrivel up and I didn't know why. I needed to talk to Techno, he'd be able to explain why I felt the way I did. He knew me better than myself but always claimed he could never understand me.

"Oh, I forgot to say, but if we learn it, we can play it at the prom, this weekend." Joe said, picking up his guitar and moving on as quickly as he could. I think he knew it might cause an issue for me but didn't actually know what to do about it.

"This weekend? I thought it was next weekend."

"No, it's this one," Mark added, "your Dad is still going to be able to get the instruments there right?"

"Yea, yea. Sorry, so it's this Saturday?" 

"Tomorrow evening Wilbur, why did you think we wanted to practise tonight?"

"Just forgot."

"It's okay, we always said we'd need one more song, and considering you and I have already played this one together, it seems like the easiest one to perfect in a day."

"A day to completely learn and perfect a song?" I asked, feeling it was verging on the side of impossible.

"Ash and I have already learnt it, and we've got a few hours tonight. We'll be fine, Wilbur." Mark said, adjusting the way he was sat on the drum stool.

"If you say so," I mumbled, turning to them all so we could begin. Maybe that's what I had been worrying about, somewhere in my subconscious. And now I knew it was happening and we were going to play a song I held so close to my heart in front of so many year 11's, I was more worried. I just hoped Dad had remembered my prom was this weekend. A strange feeling told me, we'd all forgotten, in the midst of all the chaos.

Just me and him- autistic Tommy and big brother Tubbo, SBI adoption storyWhere stories live. Discover now