Chapter 39: we're gonna save him

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TW- blood, death, injury

Paramedic's POV:

We'd gotten a call for supporting the police. We were one of three ambulances called to the scene and the 6 paramedics in total all ran inside and up the stairs. A police officer stopped us.

"First one in the bathroom, she's DOA. So if one of you could just call it. Then we've got three in the bedroom. Another DOA, then kid with a neck cut and stab wound on the right side, lower abdomen, and boy on the bed with a cut on the neck." We all nodded and split off around the place.

The boy on the bed was no longer on the bed. Instead he was shaking the shoulders of his brother in the floor and desperately trying to get him to answer with heavy fear in his eyes. It was hard to see. The young kid laying there nearly dead, and the even younger kid beside him covered in his blood as he tried to help. Gently we picked the boy away and all got started.

Me and my partner Anisha were assigned to the boy with the stab wound. The cut was deep and from what we could tell it had made a decent enough cut in his large intestine too. We were doing our best to just keep his organs in his body at that point. Every time we tried to fix something, the cut got larger and things got more difficult. He was still unconscious, but we had him dozed up on pain meds and epinephrine. 

Meanwhile another pair of paramedics we knew were trying to help the other boy. We soon found out that they were brothers and that the boy on the bed was autistic, that sort of changed everyone's approach. We kept hushed voices and allowed him to hold both dinosaur soft toys which he had attached himself to. They tried to get an IV in, but physically couldn't so decided to try with pain relief tablets instead, at which point he hit one of them out of fear, so they just sat with him quietly.

Suddenly there was so much more pressure on Anisha and I as everyone watched us try to save the boy's life. We were gonna save him, we just had to. I wasn't letting a kid who by the sounds of it had gone through so much, to just die here on the floor of a bedroom it seemed he had been locked in. It just wasn't happening.

We got all his vitals hooked up, padding the stab wound to try and keep some blood in him and then the obnoxious beeping filled the room. Still it was a reminder he was alive and I think everyone found that comforting. There was a dead man in the corner of the room after all. He eyes flickered slightly and he tried to move.

"Hey, I'm Tess and this is Anisha, we're paramedics and we're trying to help you. Do you remember your name?" He looked down to see all the blood before closing his eyes and almost trying to blink it away.

"Is Tommy okay?" He asked, after a while.

"Your brother is doing just fine, he's been watching us help."

"Can I talk to him?" He croaked out, obviously feeling pain in the neck where he'd been cut.

"Of course you can, but then we've really got to get you to the hospital okay?" I was suddenly brought back to the idea that he was losing blood rapidly and we needed to get moving. 

"Hey Tommy, see I'm alright." The younger brother held on tightly to his finger and looked up at us.

"Safe." He said, his voice an almost whisper. We all tried not to 'awwww' in those moments.

"Come on you two, let's get going. What's your name again?"

"Tubbo." He said, trying to smile.

"Okay Tubbo, we are going to get you on this board and carry you down onto the bed in the ambulance." I turned to the other paramedics, "I suggest that Tommy comes with us, and one of you two aswell, I'm going to need the help."

Just me and him- autistic Tommy and big brother Tubbo, SBI adoption storyWhere stories live. Discover now