Chapter 1

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Fred's POV:

" so was the Quidditch World Cup worth it? I've heard everywhere about the death mark" Lee says at breakfast.

" up until then it was awesome! Should have came" George responded stuffing his face with toast and eggs.

" I would if I could have" Lee said back deflated.

" it's nice to be back, isn't it? What pranks have you got up your sleeves?" He asks us.

" well it can't be anything we agreed on last year, Mum cleaned out our room without us knowing" I say.

" and peeked in our trunks, took out everything we had left" George continued.

" what! Why?!" Lee said furious.

" because we ' ArE tOo ImMaTuRe AnD sHoUlD bE fOcUsInG oN oUr StUdIeS' " I say in my high pitched voice mocking her, I aggressively stab my food with my fork.

" so unfair" George mumbled.

" you've got a cheek! George scored 20% higher than me in one exam and Mum barely gave him a bollocking! It was all ' Fred you're older, Fred it was your idea' " I say angrily.

" so what now?" Lee asks deflated.

" thankfully, I didn't bring everything back home with us, there's still some stuff in my dorm" George says, Lee cheered.

" that still doesn't change the fact she's wanting me to change!" I say fed up.

" Ron, I gave you a planner and you ought to use it! How dare you let it cover in dust!" We hear Hermione say to Ron.

" shove off Mione! Not everyone enjoys studying!"
Ron responds and a red faced Hermione scoffs and storms off.

" she'll cool down" we hear Harry tell him.

" I've just got an idea" I say.

" what?"

" I'm going to get a girlfriend" I say grinning at my own thought.

" Fred mate, mum wants you to concentrate on your studies not drift further away from them" George says not following and I roll my eyes.

" no! Not a real girlfriend!"

" you mean you're going to magic yourself a girlfriend?!" Lee says disgusted.

" no-"

" I mean I know the girls from Beauxbatons are hot but I don't think this is a good idea"

" I'm not talking about the Beauxbatons girls Lee!" I tell him.

" then what are you on?" He replies confused.

" I don't really want a girlfriend, I just need Mum to think I have one, that way I'll prove to her not only how charming I can be but how sensible I am for wanting a relationship" I say but they both stare at me blank.

" and you've proved her wrong already" Lee says listening to my words.

" wait" George says like he's just realised something.

" are you talking about Hermione?!" George asks.

" no!"

" good because Ron would kill you"

" I just need someone who... is smart, well known for how responsible they are, well behaved, pretty..." I say.

" you're talking about y/n" George and Lee both say in sync, they both high five each other afterwards.

" I didn't say y/n"

" but you were thinking it" George says with a knowingly nod.

" was not! But now you mention it, she'd be a good fit and Mum knows her parents" I say.

" and when was the last time you spoke to y/n?" Lee asks, I shift uncomfortably.

" last year, I asked her for a pencil"

" and what did she say to you?" George asks and they're both already laughing because they were there.

" she said get one yourself" I say quietly.

" didn't you have a crush on her in first year?" George says laughing.

" shut up! You did as well!" I say back but he shakes his head.

" no I said she was pretty!" He answers back and he's right. He did say she was pretty and I hated it.

" I never fancied her, she was nothing but annoying" I say.

Flashback to 1st year:

" stop laughing" a small girl with pig tails says to me.

" look!" I tell her, gently grabbing her arm so she can see what I'm seeing, she rolls her eyes.

" stop it! You're going to hurt him!"

" relax it won't hurt for long" I say laughing at mine and George's successful attack.

" you're mean" she scowls at me before going back to her work.

" he's our friend dummy!" I tell her fed up.

" don't call me that!" She snaps back and I laugh.

The shows over and I innocently return back to my work with no answers written down, I try to take a peek at the girl's next to me work but she notices and quickly covers her sheet with her arm.

" oh come on!" I say leaning next to her.

" do it yourself!" She says covering her work still.

" please! I'll get into trouble otherwise"

" you ARE trouble" she responds.

" if I was sitting next to anybody else they would give me the answers!" I snap.

" that's because I'm in a classroom full of stupid people!" She says and I make a noise where I'm about to laugh but I don't.

" you know if you weren't so dull we could be friends" I tell her, internally laughing at her insulting but funny humour. 

" you mean if you weren't so irritating!" She corrects me.

" please I'm awesome" I say and she mocks me before going back to her work.

She raises her hand to say she has completed it and I sulk carefree in my chair with no work completed.


" silly girl, it's a shame really, she seems funny but she's too boring for us"  I say walking to my next class with Lee and George.

" she's pretty though" George says and I stare at him blank.

" what?!" He shrugs.

Back to present:

" there must be something she wants, if she gets something out of it I'm sure she'll agree, when we aren't arguing we actually get on really well" I say to George and Lee with some hope.

" yeah and because you spoke about her all the time to mum when we were younger, she already knows who she is" George says.

I roll my eyes at him but he's got a point, Mum does know who she is and y/n is the kind of girl every mother wants their son to bring home.

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