Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV:

After the first task is over I don't go to the celebration party, instead I just go to my dorm since I have a few hours to kill before dinner.

As I'm reading my favourite book somebody knocks the door.

I assume it's Fred and don't answer.

But when it doesn't knock again, I start to think it isn't since whenever I don't respond he always impatiently knocks again until I do.

I get up and go to the door to see no one there and roll my eyes when I guess it's the first years messing around but then I look to the floor to see a bouquet of sunflowers, I look around but no one is there.

Once I pick them up, I put them in a vase and death stare them even though they've done nothing, this must be Fred's way of apologising but it's lame and low effort.


I'm not even hungry when I go to the Great Hall for dinner but I drag myself up to go anyway and I sit my own house table alone, still reading my book while I pick at the vegetables and potatoes from my roast.

" hey" Fred says sitting next to me.

I don't respond and continue reading.

" look, you don't have to talk to me, you don't even have to speak to me ever again after this just please... please listen" he says.

I keep my eyes on my book page so it looks like I'm not paying attention but really, I'm all ears.

" my opinion about Pucey isn't going to change, I hate him but I don't ... I don't hate you" he tells me and I try not to give anything away, my face remains neutral as I continue to stare my book.

" and I do think that he's a player but my opinion shouldn't matter to you, I wanted you to care what I think because if it were me, I'd care about what you thought" he explains.

" I was mad and angry that you like him because you can do so much better but... I'm sorry" he finishes breathless.

I tear my eyes away from my book page and look at him but I still don't show emotion.

" I guess that's the better then the flowers" I say and he looks confused.

" flowers?"

" you sent me sunflowers, did you not?" I say with furrowed brows confused.

" no" he scoffs, " if I was to send you flowers I'd at least send you roses, they're your favourite"

A small smile escapes the corner of my lips, " how do you know they're my favourite?"

" 3rd year of course" he says with a lovingly smile.

Fred's POV:
Flashback to third year:

" awww!" Y/n says clutching her hands together as we all watch a 7th year ask out a girl who says yes.

Y/n and me are watching while we stand on the stairs, waiting to see what happened before we walk up. I'm actually not interested but I need her to move and she isn't so I'm forced to watch.

" that's silly" I say disgusted and y/n looks up at me.

" it's romantic" she says defensive and I laugh.

" flowers are overrated" I shrug.

" I like them, but preferably roses" she says looking at the tulips the 7th year girl is holding.

" well no one is going to buy you flowers" I tell and she looks up at me again but this time annoyed.

" no one is even going to ever take an interest in you!" She says and I laugh.

Not your girl ( Fred Weasley x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now