Chapter 9

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Y/n's POV:

I storm out off the Great Hall with my blood boiling, so angry that when I see Adrian walking over to me I don't even smile at him when he stops in front of me.

" woah woah, whats wrong?" He asks worriedly.

" nothing, move please" I say trying to walk past him but he follows me.

" hey, you free later?" He asks.

My heart races and I'm so eager to know why but I put aside the butterflies in my chest.

" no sorry, I've got homework" I say.

" I've got homework too, why don't we do it together?" He asks and I hate the fact that I've let Fred get into my head, it is strange every time we study together he always ends up asking me multiple questions that maybe it does feel I'm just giving him the answers.

" I'm too busy, maybe ask someone else to help you" I say.

" I'm sorry y/n, have I been too forward? I don't mean to pester you it's just that no one is as smart as you to help me" he says and I slow down while walking.

" you're the only person I feel comfortable around when I get answers wrong... I feel safe around you" he says as he reaches to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear and my face goes pink from his warm touch.

" I really am busy today... but if that's the case, how about later tonight?" I say after he gives me the reassurance I needed.

" whenever you're available is fine with me" he says checking me out before he walks away.

Fred's POV:

" hey have you seen y/n?" I ask Harry and Hermione in the common room, they both shrug.

" y/n?" I ask Ron when he enters the common room, he shrugs too.

" anybody seen y/n?!"

" y/n y/l/n???" I ask multiple times as I strut around the hallways.

" where is that woman?" I grunt under my breath as I pick up my pace, speedily walking through the halls hoping to just catch a glimpse of her volumetric hair.

I didn't see her at dinner today either which made me feel nervous since she left at breakfast and I'm worried she hasn't ate, I don't know why I said the things I said earlier... it was just out of anger.

George and Lee have been making me feel guilty all day, they saw me watch the Great Hall doors hoping for her to walk in at tea when they kept pushing my buttons.

" you've made her skip dinner, she probably doesn't want to look at you again"

" poor girl, she only came over to say hi to your mother which you got her into"

They kept saying making me feel more bad.

When I've checked the library and asked pretty much everyone in our year I go to her dorm and knock on her door when she doesn't answer.

I knock again.

No response.

" y/n?" I ask.

I keep knocking and even try to see under the neath the door to see if I can spot her shadow.

" what are you doing?"

I jump up and end up whacking my head off her door handle from the fright she gave me when I hear her chuckle.

" I was looking for you" I tell her.

" I'm sorry for what I said earlier"

" you should be" she says like the thought of it makes her angry itself.

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