Chapter 21

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New Years Eve:
Y/n's POV:

" is this dangerous?" I ask as I'm in George's dorm with Fred and Lee.

" they're just fireworks" Fred says with a smirk that makes me blush as we both smile at each other because I know we are both getting deja vu.

Flashback to 3rd year:

" is this dangerous?" I ask as we are in George's dorm looking at the prank products and equipment that they have.

" they're just fireworks" Fred tells me as we both glare at each other.

" it will be fine" George reassures me.

" have you thrown fireworks before?" I ask.

" no but we are desperate too! We will when we are older I think" George says putting them back in his closet.

" if you're lucky enough you might be there with us when we do it" Fred tells me.

" Yous are 13, where did you even get fireworks like these?" I ask cautiously.

" what you don't know doesn't hurt you" Fred responds with a wink.


" so where are yous doing this?" I ask.

" courtyard" Fred responds.

" but we are pre setting them up, so we can watch as well" George continues.

" and it will go right?" I ask slightly concerned.

" have some faith in us" Fred says as he strokes my hair, George and Lee exchange looks.

" So y/n, are you giving Fred a New Years kiss?" George asks and Fred blushes.

" no" I respond.

" still mad at him for lying about being sick?"
Lee asks.

" okay can you stop reminding her?" Fred snaps.

" we aren't a couple" I alert them.

" yeah we know that, not a real couple" George says.

" no not a fake couple anymore either, we broke up" I say.

" oh really? I didn't even notice" Lee and George both say.

I blush as I still feel Fred's fingers playing with the ends of my hair discreetly.

" well, i guess I'll see yous later" I say excited to see how these fireworks turn out.


Fred's POV:

" I'm scared" y/n says flinching away from the fireworks that George and I are trying to set up perfectly with the timing.

" you're not doing anything y/n" George says laughing at her anxiousness.

" yes but what if it goes wrong and blows up any second? And sets fire to US?" She says thinking about the worst outcomes.

" we'll be fine" I say as I grab her hand.

" alright should be set to go!" George says.

I drag y/n with us as we run away from the fireworks on the ground as we stand further away outside so we can watch the display.


I'm still holding y/n's hand since she hasn't pulled it away as we are standing side by side.

" is this your first time doing fireworks?" She asks as she looks up at me.

" yep but I've got a strong feeling about it" I tell her.

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