Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV:

" How was Hogsmeade with my brother?" George asks when I bump him, we are both walking to the Great Hall for dinner.

" it wasn't so bad" I tell him walking by his side.

" yeah? Mums really excited to meet you" he says and my face falls.

" so I've heard" I say.

George puts his arm around as we walk, " just be yourself, she'll love you" he says and I thank him when Fred spots us, his eyes look at George's arm slouched around me.

" hands off" he says pointing to us.

" yous aren't even fake dating yet" George replies with laughter like he doesn't know what he's doing wrong.

" we are, I officially asked her earlier" Fred responds and he pushes himself in between us.

" mum is coming tomorrow" Fred confirms with me.

" oh god, okay" I say worriedly.

" so, we'll take her Hogsmeade, she'll ask us questions and just act like you're in love with me" Fred says and I scrunch up my face.

" I'm serious y/n, you can't be flinching away from me whenever I reach for your hand" he reaches for hand while he says so, I move my hand away subconsciously, proving his point and he raises his eyebrows at me.

" I'm sorry, it just feels weird" I say cringing.

" you think I like it? Because I don't either" he says and I roll my eyes.

" I can't wait to have nothing to do with you once this is over" I say and he chuckles.

" I say the same thing every year yet I still somehow end up stuck with you" he says and he's got a point, no matter how hard we try to ignore each other we always end up sat next to each other in class, like the teachers have it out for us.

Flashback to third year:

Fred starts laughing loudly as I have the two broken pieces of my glasses snapped in half.

" I've never hated anyone more than I hate you Fred Weasley!" I scream at him furious but he's still on the floor clutching his stomach with laughter.

" I - I actually didn't even mean it-" he says trying to catch his breath.

" you definitely did!" I snap.

He wipes his tears and stands up.

" at least I'm doing you a favour" he says grabbing them, looking at my broken glasses he previously sat on.

" how?! I can't see!"

" you look better without them, glasses are for nerds" he says.

" yes because I chose to be blind!" I say rolling my eyes at this boy whom I despise.

" you choose to wear your hair down and it looks hideous" he says laughing again at the frizziness that will never seem to leave no matter how many products I use.

" Drop dead Weasley, I'm never speaking to you again!" I say stomping on his foot before exiting the common room.

" Cry baby!" He calls before I leave.


I walk into transfiguration class to see a seating arrangement and I'm next to-

" oh no" I say feel like wanting to cry, Fred winks at me.

" i don't want to sit next to him, he's annoying and rude" I say to Mcgonagall, she gives me a sympathetic look.

" Don't worry Miss y/l/n I've already warned him to be on his best behaviour, not to mention I heard about your glasses and he ought to read what's on the board for you if you can't see" she says gesturing me to my seat.

" so if you didn't know already, the class is called transfiguration" Fred says slowly like I'm a 2 year old, pointing to the board making fun of my eyesight.

Every time Mcgonagall wrote something down, he'd repeat it in my ear over and over and over again as if I can't spell or comprehend words, pestering me like crazy.

" stop that" I complain.

" thought you weren't speaking to me?" He grins.

" I'm starting to think you want me to speak to you" I respond and he scoffs.

" far from the truth. However, annoying you is rather fun"

" get a life" I say going back to my work.

" want my advice?" He says.

" no"

" don't bother fixing or buying new glasses" he whispers and it stung for a growing, teenage girl.


I look in my draws for a hair tie when I see my large pair of glasses sitting there, remembering the foul memory. I bought contacts that day, alongside with a new pair of glasses I liked but have sat in my drawers for years.

When I go to tie my hair up in a ponytail the band snaps making me quickly enraged, stupid thick hair. I groan and go the mirror, it's after dinner and I'm in my lounge wear, I'm wearing joggers with an over sized t - shirt.

I look in the mirror in the natural light, my hair is down and rather bushy with slight natural curls but I oddly like it, I take my glasses from my draw and try them on and I like my appearance, I humbly admire myself for a moment when there's a knock at my door.

When I don't answer the first time because I'm flossing my teeth, the knocking loudens.

Fred's POV:

" give me a minute!" I hear y/n say.

" about ti-" I say when she opens the door.

At least I try to say, I stand there for a moment as she looks indescribable, her hair has only grown more over the years and her curls bounce, and despite the large black glasses I can still see that sparkle she has in her eyes.

Her natural rosy cheeks redden even more as she goes to speak, " don't even think about making a comment-"

" you look beautiful" I say.

" because I know that you- what?" She says when she realises my words, her big eyes stare me cutely that I have to snap myself out of staring.

" There's no way I'm repeating that" I say with a chuckle knowing fine well she heard.

She sniggers as well as she opens her door for me, allowing me to walk inside.

" what do you want?" She asks as we brush that unusual greeting under the carpet.

" my mum is here, she's in the common room now"

" what?!" She shouts a little too loudly that it hurts my ears.

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