Chapter 3

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Fred's POV:

" so you're going along with it?" Lee asks me as I read the mail that has been dropped off, addressed to me and it's mum's hand writing. I throw it over to him and George as they lean in and read it.

' Dear Freddie,
I've heard the news and I'm so happy to hear you're with y/n y/l/n! When were you going to tell me? I remember years ago when I'd pick you up from the train station and would see you two bickering! It's been so long, how is she? She's so pretty and smart, you could learn a lot from her! Get back to me as soon as possible and send her my love xxx
Love mum xxx '

" you're fucked" George says and I rub my face with my hands and groan.

" Im going to speak to y/n later, but I need a way for her to speak to me, if I just ask her she'll say no" I confess and George leans forward like he's trying to brainstorm with me.

I feel lucky that they are both trying to help me out however not really because they're the idiots that got me into this mess.

" why don't you just respond to your Mum and lie? Say y/n is good and say yous are fine" Lee suggests.

George and I both say no at the same time.

" our mum isn't like that" I say.

" yeah she'll want to meet y/n, she won't let it go" George continues.

" Mcgonagall said something about flowers"

" you want to get her flowers?"

We all hear y/n's voice as she walks past us in the Great Hall with Adrian Pucey by her side, she giggles at him as she plays with her fingers looking at him with dreamy eyes.

" no... but I think she wants flowers from someone" I say as I watch them.

" this is evil Fred" George says.

" have you got a better plan? If I send her flowers from me she'll put them straight in the bin. Just like how I would if she ever gave me anything" I say.


George's POV:

" okay" I say sat in the common room, we managed to scare a few people away but there's still a few first years sat around but it's pretty much clear.

We are in a corner and y/n should be walking in any minute.

" George you have to go over there when she walks in!" Fred demands, I wave my hands at him to tell him to be quiet and calm down.

" I know, I know"

" are yous kidnapping someone?" A first year asks, I stare at him blank.

" no" I tell them.

The portrait swings open when y/n walks in with flowers in her hands, I quickly walk over there casually.

" oh hey there" I say distracting her as she scans the room.

" hi George, have you seen Adrian?" She asks me and I feel a tinge of guilt for her.

" I have not, but can I speak to you for a sec?"

" sure" she says as I direct her over to the corner where Fred and Lee are sitting. It isn't until he stands up that she realises.

She scowls at Fred and before she can say anything Fred puts out his hands like she's a dog and he's trying to get her to calm down.

" before you freak out, hear me out-"

" you tricked me!" She exclaims interrupting him.

" I know and I'm sorry!" He says.

Not your girl ( Fred Weasley x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now