Chapter 17

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Y/n's POV:

" you know holding my books for me every time we walk to a lesson isn't going to make me date you?" I tell Fred, it's been a week and the Yule Ball is tomorrow night and Fred has been strangely nice, still annoying but kinder.

" I know" he says and I look at him unsure.

" your Mum will be fine when she hears about it" I reassure him but he doesn't look worried.

" I know" He says happy and it makes me confused.

" alright then" I say letting it go as I take back my books walking to class.

Pretending to date him isn't so bad, it feels like we are just friends, except he'll kiss my forehead a lot and hold my hand.

We still have our little arguments but they're much less insulting than the ones we've had over the past years.

Flashback to some day in the week:

" I know I left it here in your dorm"  I say chucking his dirty clothes off of the floor trying to find it.

" how do you lose an earring? Did you plant it here on purpose? You know you can just ask to see me" he says smirking at me.

" it obviously fell out you dumb dimbo!" I say trying to search for it but it's impossible, his dorm is disgusting.

" you clearly didn't put it in right then" he says.

" ugh! Your room is a state!"

" just like you" he says with a wink.

I groan as I stand up off of the floor, looking on the pillows and on his bed and then slouching down next to him.

" can you please help me find it?" I say sadly.

" aww" he says mushing my face together.

I push his hand away, " Fred" I ask again.

" maybe if you kiss me" he says.

I throw him a dirty look when he raises his hands up innocently.

" I didn't say on the lips" he adds on.

I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

" again" he asks.

I kiss his cheek again and hold it there for slightly longer watching him smile more.

" again"

I let out a sigh but kiss him one more time on the cheek.

" again-"

" no!" I say hitting him with a pillow and he just laughs.

" alright alright" he says standing up and he begins cleaning, well moving everything off the floor, to help me search for my earring.

Fred's POV:

" what do you think He - Who - Must - Not - Be - Named eats for breakfast? Do you think he showers? I cannot imagine him doing normal activities" I rant to y/n as I try on suits.

" I don't know, he has servants though doesn't he?" She says.

" servants? He has death eaters, do you think they make him his meals?" I ask as I turn to her showing her an all red suit.

Mum sent a bunch for us to try on, they're old and re used but there's a small variety that have came from our family.

" no, it's too bright" she says shaking her head disapprovingly at the suit.

Not your girl ( Fred Weasley x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now