Chapter 12

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Fred's POV:

When I wake up in the morning y/n's hair is all sprawled out on to my pillow and I realise that I'm lying on it since it's so long.

She wakes up not long after me and when she sits up she shrieks.

" ouch! Hair!" She says bad tempered and I lean up, removing myself off her hair.

" get a haircut then" I say.

She yawns cutely as her eyes drop to my chest, last night she told me she would leave if I didn't sleep in clothes as I normally sleep in only boxers so I put on bottoms and a top. But I took off the top in the middle of the night since I was warm.

" put a shirt on!" She exclaims as she tears her eyes away.

" why?"

" because- because" she says not knowing what to say, I laugh at her as her cheeks flush pink.

She grumbles as she doesn't finish her sentence which only makes me laugh more.

I stare at her until she catches my eye and randomly chuckles to herself.

" what?" I ask.

" your hair" she says and I laugh.

" you're one to talk" I say scuffing up her hair more as she pushes my hand away.

She rubs her eyes tiredly as I admire her morning look, her bushy hair suits her and despite her tired eyes they still look bright and her plump lips are tempting me. She's wearing the old t shirt I gave her last night and it looks a lot better on her than it does me.

" stop" she says.

" stop what?" I ask.

" looking at me like that"

" like what?"

" like that!"

" I'm not allowed to look at you?"

She tilts her head at me, " you know what I mean" she says.

" I really don't" I lie.

" you're exhausting" she says as she rolls her eyes and I grin.

When she looks at the time and sees it's only 7:30am she lies back on my bed, under the covers again and I'm quick to join her.

" don't fall back asleep" I tell her.

She closes her eyes and buries her face into the duvet, " I'm not I'm just resting my eyes" I hear her mumble.

I scooch up closer to her, putting my face so close to hers as I tug on the blanket away from her face, " y/nnn"

" mhm"

" wake up" I tell her.

" I'm awake" I hear her say quietly as her eyes are still closed.

I blow gently on her face as she remains ' resting ', trying not to burst out laughing when her nose scrunches and her face tickles, I continue doing it until she catches on that's it me.

When she raises her hand up to stop me she must think I'm doing it with my hand because she goes to push it away even though it's not there and her long finger nails scratch my face.

" owww!" I dramatically whine as I hold my face, she's awake now and looks at me.

" it's tiny" she says.

" you just clawed me!"

" you were tickling me!"

" you made me bleed!" I say touching my face, it's on the side of my lip near the bottom of my cheek.

Not your girl ( Fred Weasley x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now