Chapter 14

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Fred's POV:

" have you done your homework?" Y/n asks me as we walk to the common room.

" no" I respond.

" you have to do it" she tells me.

" I don't get it" I say, " let's practice for defence against the dark arts instead"

" no you already understand that there's nothing to improve on, get your herbology homework out" she says as she holds open the door for me.

I thank her with my eyes as we sit down on the couch.

" I was doing some thinking earlier" I tell her.

" about us? When we are going to breakup?" She asks and I roll my eyes.

" I'm offended that you're so desperate to" I tell her.

" it's just difficult to hide it from the school" she says.

" why does that matter?" I ask.

" why would I want everyone knowing something that's false?"

When I'm unable to respond and she doesn't get the hint I move on, " I was thinking about us yes, and when we were younger"

" oh?" She says starting her homework.

" yeah, I'm sorry for the things I said" I say and she looks at me surprised.

" what's the catch?" She asks cautious.

" what? There's no catch"

" you're just apologising?"

" yes! I'm sorry"

" what do you want from me Weasley?"

" nothing! Is it so hard to believe that I've thought about my actions and realised I was mean"

" ... yes!" She says and I sigh at her.

" well I'm being serious" I tell her as I pull out my homework too.

" oh... well then, thanks" she mumbles.

Y/n's POV:

While Fred and me are in the middle of doing answers, Molly walks into the common room with Charlie as they have large bags.

" we're off buddy" Charlie says as he shakes Fred's hand.

" nice meeting you y/n" he says to me and I shake his hand as well.

I hug Molly tightly before I sit back down on the couch with Fred and she stares at us lovingly.

" Mum just ask, I'm sure if they like each other that much they won't mind" Charlie says to her as she looks embarrassed.

" ask us what?" Fred asks and I'm curious too.

" oh alright! I'm sorry, but I feel like I haven't spent as much time as I wanted to spend with you both and I wanted to take a quick picture of yous two" she asks as she holds up a camera.

I look at Fred who's cheeks go slightly pink but Molly is looks so cutely desperate that we can't say no.

Fred shuffles up closer to me on the couch as I lean in him and he puts an arm around me, Molly squeals as we both smile in the camera.

When the photo is taken, Fred doesn't move away from me and remains where he is, Molly looks at the photo and ' aww's.

" oh please one more! This time a kiss!" She says and we both chuckle nervously.

Fred gives me a kiss on the cheek and holds it there as I smile at the camera but she doesn't click it, " a proper kiss! Come on, before I go!" She insists and whines.

Not your girl ( Fred Weasley x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now