Chapter 23

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Y/n's POV:

" so do be listening because this will be in your next quiz" Mcgonagall says as she starts writing on the board.

I'm paying attention and writing down notes when Fred starts snoring.

" ow!" He grunts when I stomp on his foot.

I don't speak but dart my eyes to the board at him, signing for him to pay attention as he lays in his arms on the desk.

I'm listening to every word Mcgonagall is saying when Fred grabs my hand, I want to tell him off but then I'll miss what she's saying.

He tugs on my fingers like he's wanting my attention but I don't give it to him.

" now please read the chapter in your books" Mcgonagall says and I immediately start reading.

She sits down at her desk marking papers when Fred opens his book but doesn't read, he then grabs my hand again and I feel ink touch it.

He doodles something then pushes my hand to me, I look down at my hand to see he's drew a heart.

I mouth ' stop' at him and flick pages of his book so he's on the right page, I beg him with my eyes to stop distracting me and to read.

He gets the message because he rolls his eyes and yawns but eventually he picks up his book and starts reading when I feel his hand squeeze my thigh as he rests it there.


" you can't talk to me in class" I tell him when we exit the classroom.

" no but I can try" he says and I roll my eyes.

" hey don't be moody, I actually read the chapter" he says following me to my next lesson.

" yeah because I told you too!" I say not letting him have the credit.

" exactly! You tell me to do something and I do it, see y/n we're perfect for each other" he says making me blush.

" I'll see you later" I say as he drops me off to my next class.

Fred's POV:

I watch y/n walk into her next class when I suddenly don't know what to do with myself.

When I walk around, with no destination in mind I spot Adrian glaring at me.

" what are you looking at?" I say angry.

He sniggers before walking over to me.

" I sent out that letter" he says.

" what?" I say scowling at him.

" the letter that started it all, I sent it out" he confesses.

" wha- why?!" I ask confused to what he was doing in any of our dorms.

" I've had my eye on y/n since 1st. Year." He emphasises.

" you think I haven't noticed that you've always been around her? I see the way you look at her" he says like I'm pathetic.

" George left the dorm door open that day, I read the letter, I knew that yous weren't dating because she was falling for ME" He explains.

" so why on earth did you sent it out then you fool!?" I ask lost.

" because I knew- well I thought, that she hated you. My plan was, I'd sent out the letter, she'd hate every moment with you, making her realise how much she likes me" he says.

I clench my jaw at him before laughing in his face, " backfired a bit, didn't it?"

" I know yous aren't dating" he says with the same smirk I have on my face.

Not your girl ( Fred Weasley x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now