6 (Jack Reacher)

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Yomikawa Aiho updated her status.
3 days ago.

Thanks for your cooperation Jack Reacher-san, your skills and experience from your days in the Military will be a boon to us Anti-Skill officers, especially to the rookies.

[Pictures of Reacher beside a group of Anti-Skill novices, alongside Yomikawa and Tessou, as well as a montage of fight training, with Reacher occasionally joining in]

26 likes • Comment

Jack Reacher My pleasure. It's an honor to help you guys out.
3 days ago • Like

Yomikawa Aiho You don't have to be so formal in here, we're all friends here.
3 days ago • Like

Jack Reacher Sorry. Force of habit.
3 days ago • Like


Tessou Tsuzuri Reacher-san, perhaps you may want to hang out with us tomorrow night, we, Yomikawa and a few others know this place where we could, have a few couple drinks before you leave. If it's okay with you.

Jack Reacher Well if you don't mind the extra company.

Tessou Tsuzuri I mean if you don't want to come, I'd understand. It's just a night out.

Stephanie Gorgeouspalace Oooh, never seen you this direct before Tessou-san. You go girl!

Tessou Tsuzuri I don't know what you mean by that Stephanie-san.

Rakuoka Houfu Oh God, I really have let myself go after all these years, perhaps a little bit of stamina training would suffice.

Jack Reacher Don't sell yourself short Mr. Rakuoka. Despite your looks you are quite experienced. You hit like a sledgehammer.

Rakuoka Houfu I don't know about that Reacher-san, you hit quite with the force of a meteor. That size and body of yours isn't a joke. Saigou-san and Sugiyama-san spent a few hours in the bathroom because of it.

Stephanie Gorgeouspalace Certainly it isn't. Perhaps you might join us for some beer, spend the whole night drinking away like some party animals. If you'd like too.

Yomikawa Aiho Stephanie-san please refrain from flirting with the guest. It's unprofessional.

Stephanie Gorgeouspalace Oh? Aren't you one to talk, I saw you catch glimpses of him and his arms when you thought no one was looking. Hypocrite much?

Yomikawa Aiho What are you talking about?

Stephanie Gorgeouspalace Oh my, Tessou-kun it appears you may have a rival in affection. Do be careful.

Tessou Tsuzuri W-What?

Yomikawa Aiho Dammit Gorgeousplace stop joking about this, it isn't funny!

Stephanie Gorgeouspalace XD

Jack Reacher This is turning into quite the shitshow.

Rakuoka Houfu Um... oh dear. Hehehe. Well, there is never a dull moment in this city, as what the youth would say.

Jack Reacher That's for damn sure.

Hey guys...

So, writer's block is kind of a bitch.

Been reading a bit of Jack Reacher ever since the announcement. And while I haven't completely caught up with the series as of this moment it's a very wild ride from the beginning.

I hope I got Reacher right for you all.

Anyway, pls leave a comment down below, lemme know your thoughts, vote and share this story.


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