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I hope I made your days a lot less shittier with this chapter my lads.

Also, big shoutout to Dator0930 for being the inspiration behind this chapter.


Kamijou Touma updated his status.

Call me up when you wanna hang out okay little kiddo?

[Picture of Kamijou Touma and his Otohime Tatsugami. She is seen doing a piggyback ride with Touma, her face filled with glee. Touma has a small smile in his face.]

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Tsuchimikado Motoharu You bastard, you didn't tell me you had a little sister! Fucking HYPOCRITE!
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Aogami Pierce Seems like he's picked the imouto route without our consent. Go die in a fire Kami-yan.
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Index Hey Otohime it's nice meeting you again since that beach meetup, considering the rather questionable circumstances. I hope Touma wasn't too harsh on you since.
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Tatsugami Otohime Oh no, Aniki's been very chill lately. Heck he even brought me to the arcade! The loads of games over there are crazy high! You play all those games there Nii-chan?
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Kamijou Touma No not all of them. I play occasionally.
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Tatsugami Otohime Maybe when I get back we'll go and play all of them!
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Kamijou Touma Sounds like a plan.
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Tsuchimikado Motoharu Once again Kami-yan. Fucking die a slow, painful death and burn in hell for all eternity.
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Aogami Pierce Ditto.
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Kamijou Touma Real mature guys. Real mature.
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The thread continues...

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