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Kamijou Touma posted:
[Because of my friend forcing me to make this dish due to that damn rat cartoon here it is, ratatolile.]

2 days ago Like • Comment

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2 days ago
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Tsukuyomi Komoe Wow, that looks so delicious Kamijou-chan! I knew that you had a talent with cooking! The last time you had cooked for an event all your other classmates couldn't get enough of it!
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Fukiyose Seiri I am quite surprised to see you make such exquisite food. Perhaps I was too harsh on you. Good work with that.
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Himegami Aisa Always wanted to try something like that.
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Aogami Pierce C'mon now that looks fake, ain't no way you made this. This looks too good to be real.
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Kamijou Touma [picture of himself with the dish, flipping the bird at the camera]
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Tsuchimikado Motoharu 😂😂😂
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Aogami Pierce Not gonna lie that was really funny.
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Orsola Aquinas Such pleasing aesthetics. How long did you cook this Kamijou-san?
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Kamijou Touma Long enough for me to ragequit couple times.
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Itsuwa If I was there with you it would have made the cooking far easier. You should've asked for help.
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Kamijou Touma I don't want to impose anything to you Itsuwa-san, beside you were probably busy with some thing over there in London.
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Kanzaki Kaori Has Index eaten it yet?
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Kamijou Touma No, she's currently out at the moment with her friend.
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Stiyl Magnus Leaving her all alone in the outside world, defenseless and vulnerable. As expected of an amateur.
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Kamijou Touma Stiyl we both know her safety's not the issue here.
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Fukiyose Seiri I'm not familiar with these faces, how do you know these people?
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Kamijou Touma Facebook. Like most people. How else do you think?
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Fukiyose Seiri Don't get smart with me Kamijou.
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Aogami Pierce Burn and die in a violent car crash Kami-yan. How dare you know such bombshells without me knowing.
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Kamijou Touma Eat shit Aogami.
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