Chapter 1

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Ranboo POV:

Sand in my face. Waves crashing in the background. I blinked open my eyes. I sat up and looked around me. I was sitting on a beach, there was ocean as far as I could see and a forest to the right.

"Where am I? The last thing I remember is finding a note with a smile in my enderchest and- Wait! Where's my memory book?!" 

Ranboo pat himself down searching for his memory book. He looked into the ocean and saw it floating a few feet away from shore. 

He took a step forward to get it then froze. He knew he wouldn't be able to reach it without getting burned. 

Ranboo took a step back and slumped his shoulders in defeat. If only I still had my armour on, but I left it at home. Wait- home! Phil and techno must be so worried! 

The enderman hybrid turned around and started walking towards the forest. I might as well gather some wood for shelter, it's getting late, the mobs will be out. 


Ranboo wandered around for what felt like hours. At some point, he forgot what he was doing, he was just wandering around the forest, looking at the trees and smiling at the moonlight. 

Ranboo continued through the forest, getting farther and farther away from shore. Somewhere in him he knew that the mobs are out and he should be hiding and finding shelter, yet still, the forest seemed to call to him. It was so pretty at night.

I should find some squids. Ranboo thought. Make a new memory book, though it will be difficult to hunt squids if I can't touch water. 

Ranboo was lost in thought as he wandered and traversed through the woods. Until he heard a faint hissing sound to his right.

Ranboo's collected his thoughts as he tried to jump out of the way as the creeper exploded. He wasn't fast enough. His ears were ringing. It hurt so much. Then everything went black.

Tubbo POV:


Tubbo woke up to see the blond child on top of him. (not a ship geez their brothers)

"Good morning Tommy. I see that you are up early"

Tommy gave him a weird look. "Uh- yeah! I'm Tommyinnit! I never sleep!"

Tubbo sat up in bed. Tommy scooted off of him and walked out of his room. Tubbo looked at the time. 9 am! I overslept!

Tubbo quickly changed out of his pajamas, shoved a bagel in his mouth and yelled a quick, "Bye Tommy see you tonight!"

Tubbo hated when it was hunting day, he always had to get up so early. But since he was the only hunter in the village, he had to. 

Tubbo ran straight into the woods and almost tripped over something. 

"Shit." He mumbled

Tubbo turned looked around to see what he had tripped on.

It was... a boy! He looked to be around his age! 

Tubbo crouched down to look at the strange hybrid. He had half white, half black skin, split down the middle, as well as his hair being black and white. 

He was bruised, bloody, and partially burned, but he looked to be alive. Then I noticed the creeper hole.

"Man, you couldn't get away in time" Tubbo said sadly.

Tubbo felt his wrist to check for a pulse. He immediately pulled his hand back. Why is he so cold?! Did he spend the night out here!?!

Tubbo reached again to feel for a pulse and was relieved when he felt a heartbeat. It was slow and very faint, but it was there. 

Tubbo picked up the hybrid and started to climb a tree. He used the rope he had for hunting and tied him to a branch. Not too tight that it would cut off his circulation, but not lose enough that he could fall. 

Around his chest, feet, and hands. Just like his father had taught him. He wished that he was still here.

Tubbo was proud of his work. He climbed back down the tree and marked it so that he could find it after he was done hunting. 

Ranboo POV

Ranboo slowly blinked open his eyes. He tried to sit up and was shocked to see that he couldn't. He looked around at himself and his eyes widened in fear when he saw that he was tied to a tree branch.

Ranboo tried to wiggle free and untie himself, and was even more fearful when he found out he couldn't.

He screamed and struggled even more against the ropes. 

He got the rope  around his feet off and started kicking at the tree, pain splintered through his legs. Did I break them?  Ranboo thought. Ranboo pushed the pain away and continued to try and free himself.

As he saw that it didn't work and he started kicking harder.

Tubbo POV:

Tubbo heard screaming and ran back to the tree. He found the marking and looked up to see the boy kicking the tree and leaves falling off the branches.

Tubbo climbed up the tree and was almost kicked in the face by the hybrid.

"Who are you?! What am I doing here?!? Why am I tied up!?!" The hybrid screamed.  

"Relax I'm not going to hurt you. I just got you to high ground to avoid the mobs." His British accent showed through even though he tried to hide it. Tubbo undid the ropes around  the hybrid. 

The hybrid tried to get into a sitting position but winced and laid back down.

Tubbo scrunched his eyebrows. "Are you hurt?"

The hybrid nodded. "I think I broke my leg."

"Do you want a healing pot?" Tubbo asked.

The hybrid nodded and gratefully took the potion. He didn't drink it right away, instead he stared at the pink liquid inside, mesmerised by it.

"You gonna drink?" Tubbo asked tilting his head.

The hybrid snapped back to reality and smiled. He drank the potion and his wounds scabbed up and turned into scars.

"Better?" Tubbo questioned.

The hybrid tested out his newly healed leg and sat up. "Yeah, thank you."

Tubbo smiled. "So do you have a name?"

The hybrid though for a second then replied, "Ranboo."

"I'm Tubbo!" Tubbo extended a hand. "Pleasure to meet you!"

Ranboo smiled and shook his hand. "Pleasure to meet you too."

1052 words


First chapter of my first fanfiction done! Looking forward to writing more! Also I wrote most of this at 1 am so don't mind if it's weird and doesn't make sense.

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